Andrzej, Ignacy Bronk – born on 27.04.1938 in Sopot, studied philosophy and theology at the Divine Word Seminary in Pieniężno, where he was ordained in 1963 as the member of the Missionary Society of the Divine Word.

  • In 1965 he started to study philosophy at the Catholic University in Lublin, where he made his M.A. degree in philosophy in 1968 ("Rozstrzygalność założeń fizyki teoretycznej [w związku z koncepcją sprawdzalności Henryka Mehlberga], (The Decidability of the Principles of Theoretical Physics [In the Context of H. Mehlberg's Notion of Verifiability])" (supervisor prof. Stanisław Kamiński)
  • and doctor degree in 1971 ("Język etnologii na przykładzie teorii religii Wilhelma Schmidta [studium metodologiczne]", (The Language of Ethnology. A Methodological Study of Wilhelm Schmidt's Theory of Religion) [under supervision of prof. Stanisław Kamiński; reviewers prof. Teofil Chodzidło and prof. Józef Gajek]);
  • he became in 1968 professor of philosophy at the Divine Word Seminary;
  • in 1973 he started as an assistant a the Chair of Methodology of Science, Catholic University in Lublin;
  • 1975 he became assistant professor,
  • in the years 1976/7 and 1978 he studied in Germany (Hegel-Archiv-Bochum) as the holder of the scholarship of the Humboldt-Stiftung;
  • he made his habilitation in 1982 ("Rozumienie - dzieje - język. Filozoficzna hermeneutyka H.-G. Gadamera" [Understanding - History - Language. The philosophical Hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer]; reviewer prof. Izydora Dąmbska UJ and prof. Stanisław Kamiński KUL) and became the associated professor KUL;
  • since 1986 he is the director of the chair for the Methodology of Science KUL and since 1997 a full professor KUL.
  • In 2009 he became the member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków.

Professional interests:

  • methodology,
  • philosophy of science,
  • practical logic,
  • philosophy of language,
  • philosophy of human sciences,
  • philosophical hermeneutics,
  • analytical philosophy,
  • methodology and epistemology of religious studies,
  • methodology of pedagogy.

Publications: see