Selected Publications
Dzwonkowska I., Lachowicz-Tabaczek K.,  Łaguna M. (in press). Samoocena i jej pomiar. Skala samooceny SES M. Rosenberga. Warszawa: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.
Łaguna M., Trzebiński J., Zięba M. (2005). KNS - Kwestionariusz Nadziei na Sukces. Podręcznik /Snyder’s Adult Hope Questionnaire: Polish Adaptation/. Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych PTP.  
Łaguna M. (2004). Szkolenia /Training/. Gdańsk: GWP.  
Łaguna M., Lachowska B. (2003) (eds.).  Rysunek projekcyjny w badaniach psychologicznych /Drawing as the Projective Method in Psychological Research/. Lublin: TN KUL.  
Lachowska B., Łaguna M. (2002) (eds.). Draw-a-Family Test in psychological research. Lublin: TN KUL.
Łaguna M. (1997). Budować obraz siebie. Badania nad obrazem siebie studentów kształconych metodami aktywizującym /Building the Self-Concept: Research of the Self-Concept of Students Attending Active Learning Training/. Lublin: RW KUL.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters:

Gorgievski, M., Laguna, M. (2008). More than money: Gain and loss spirals in entrepreneurship. W: J. A. Moriano Leon, M. Gorgievski, M. Lukes (red.), Teaching psychology of entrepreneurship. Perspectives from six European countries, 159-177. Madrid: UNED.

Łaguna M. (2008). Metoda Projektów Osobistych w doradztwie karier. W: J. Strelau, D. Doliński (red.), Psychologia, t.2, 35-36. Gdańsk: GWP.

Łaguna M. (2007). Entrepreneurship and perceived social support in the unemployed. W: A. Bokszczanin (red.), Social change in solidarity: Community psychology perspectives and approaches, 165-176. Opole: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.

 Łaguna M. (2007). Positive psychological capital and entrepreneurship. W: J. A. Moriano Leon, M. Gorgievski (red.), Psychology of entrepreneurship: Research and education, 135-141. Madrid: UNED.

Łaguna M., Wawrzeńczyk-Kulik M., Talik E., Talik W.,  Huyghe P., Wiącek G., Vingoe G., Tarkowski K. (2006). Competences of starter entrepreneurs´ and the measurement method "ASTRA - STARTER". Perspectives on Economic, Political and Social Integration. Journal of Mental Changes, 7 (1-2), 9-31.

Łaguna M., Lachowicz-Tabaczek K., Dzwonkowska I.  (2007). Skala samooceny SES Morrisa Rosenberga - polska adaptacja metody. Psychologia Społeczna 2(02), 164-176.


Łaguna M. (2006). Optymizm i nadzieja a intencja założenia własnej firmy. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 49 (4), 193-217.
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is a significant factor in a free-market economy; thus, it is important to understand the personal characteristics encouraging people to become entrepreneurs. Previous research on entrepreneurship as well as social-cognitive theories have guided hypotheses regarding the relationship between entrepreneurial beliefs and the entrepreneurial process. The study concentrates upon beliefs, which can be associated with first stages of the entrepreneurial process: with goal commitment, and entrepreneurial intention. The role of three variables has been analysed: optimism, hope and basic hope. Using the Scheier, Carver, and Bridges’ LOT-R scale; the Snyder’s ADHS scale, Trzebinski and Zieba’s BHI-12 scale, and the Zaleski’s Goal Questionnaire GQ data from 332 potential entrepreneurs attending entrepreneurship preparation training were obtained. The findings suggest that the level of hope is a good predictor of the expectancy of attainment when creating a venture, the assessment of the goal importance and the readiness for an effort to achieve this goal. Optimism enables predicting the assessment of the success chance. Optimism and hope are also important predictors of the entrepreneurial intention.


Łaguna M. (2006). Skala Skuteczności Przedsiębiorczej. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 9 (2), 107-128.

Abstract: Self-efficacy beliefs can distinctively refer to different spheres of functioning and to different tasks, including entrepreneurial activity. The paper presents development of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES) designed to measure perceived self-efficacy in carrying out tasks aimed at a new venture creation. Psychometric properties of the scale were evaluated on the basis of the data obtained from 315 potential entrepreneurs in a 1-year longitudinal study. Factor analysis of the ESES scores yielded three distinct narrower domains of entrepreneurial self-efficacy pertaining to: (1) gathering marketing information, (2) managing financial and legal matters, and (3) setting up business operations. The scale was shown to have high internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha = 0.96. The ESES scores were also found to correlate positively with previous entrepreneurial experience and other personality measures, such as General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Self-Esteem Scale (SES), Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) and Adult Dispositional Hope Scale (ADHS). People with an intention to create a new venture scored significantly higher on ESES than those without such an intention, and the level of entrepreneurial intention correlated positively with the ESES scores. All findings of the study suggest that ESES is a reliable and valid measure of entrepreneurial self-efficacy.

Łaguna M. (2005). Od czego zależy sukces w podejmowaniu działalności gospodarczej? Przegląd propozycji teoretycznych. Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 11 (2), 143-155.

Abstract:Questions what factors lead some individuals, but not others to start new ventures and what determines the success in new venture creation are key questions in entrepreneurship research. This study presents four theories, which address these questions. They focus mainly on the characteristics of the entrepreneur. The final part of this study presents similarities, advantages and limitations of these theories.

Łaguna M. (1996). Przegląd badań nad zmianami obrazu siebie pod wpływem oddziaływań o charakterze edukacyjnym. Psychologia Wychowawcza, 5, 402-407.

Abstract: This research review presents changes of self-concept in school and university students under the influence of various kinds of educative action. The article starts by considering the terms that refer to the notion of self-concept according to Lawrence’s differentiations. A discussion follows on the effects of certain programs and educational experiments aimed at directly or indirectly evoking changes in the self-concept of the participants. Studies on the effects of concrete educational programs were grouped according to age level. The findings of these studies are not conclusive.

Autor: Mariola Łaguna
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 08.10.2008, godz. 11:27 - Mariola Łaguna