Presentations at International Conferences



  1. Baltimore, Md., USA 1986, American Catholic Philosophical Association: New Methodological Foundations of the Metaphysical Theory of Being
  2. Rome, Italy, September 1990, Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas: Pulchrum ut primum amatum et cognitum
  3. Rome, Italy, September 1991, Angelicum, Bonum aut valor?
  4. Lublin, August 1996, KUL: SOFIA, Science and the Freedom of Man
  5. Barcelona, Spain, September 1997, Balmesianum: Christ and the Concept of Classical Culture
  6. Rome, Italy, 7-10 September 2000: Personal Dimension of Christian Culture
  7. Notre Dame, Annual International Meeting, American Maritain Association, "Faith, Scholarship, and Culture in the 21st Century" 19-22 October 2000, University of Notre Dame, USA: Civilization: Immanent or Transcendent?
  8. Boca Baton, Florida, USA, Annual International Meeting, American Maritain Association, , American Maritain Association, 18-20 October 2001: Dialogue in Latin Civilization
  9. Princeton, N.J., Annual International Meeting, American Maritain Association, University of Princeton, USA, 17-20 October 2002, The Relevance of the Classical Greek Conception of Slavery for Our Times
  10. Roma, Plenary Session Address, Rome, Italy, International Congress, "Christian Humanism in the Third Millenium: The Perspective of Thomas Aquinas," 21-25 September 2003: The Challenges of Contemporary Culture to Christian Humanism in Post-Communist Countries"
  11. Chicago Annual International Meeting, American Maritain Association, "The Human Person and a Culture of Freedom," University of Chicago, USA,16-19 October 2003: Freedom and Tolerance
  12. Madrid, VI Congreso Católics y la Vida Pública, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, 19-21 Noviembre 2004, Postmodernism and the Fall of Marxism.
  13. Roma, III Giornata Europea degli Universitari, "La ricerca intellettuale via per incontrare Cristo. L'insegnamento dell"Enciclical Fides et ratio", 4-6 Marzo 2005, Pontificia Università Lateranense,  Reason, Rationality, Ideology
  14. Roma, Ora et labora. The Labour in Europe,  Pontifical Lateran University, 30.06-3.07. 2005, Il background ideologico della negligenza Intellettuale e del lavoro contemplativio nell'Europa contemporanea.
  15. Barcelona, "Catolicos y la vida publica", Universidad Abat Oliba, 31.03.2006, Lo Políticamente Correcto y su trasfondo filosófico e ideológico
  16. L'impresa e la costruzione di un nuovo umanesimo, Roma, Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 22-25 June, 2006, Social Responsibility: Philosophical Reflections.
  17. Vilnius, "Europos Kalbu Dienos Savaite » [Days of European Languages], University of Vilinius, Lithuania, 25.09.2006, The Place of Language in the Society and  The Place of Language in Relations Between Political Power and Society.
  18. Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Nature-Science-Culture: Contemporary Tensions, November 4, American Maritain Association, Thirtieth Annual International Meeting. Nature, Science and Wisdom: The Role of the Philosophy of Nature, November 2-5, 2006,
  19. Nashville, Tennessee, USA , Panel Discussion on my book: Science in Culture(Rodopi 2006), C. Hancock, R. Blum, Th. Michaud, P. Redpath
  20. Roma, Incontro Europeo dei Docenti Universitari in occasione del 50° anniversario dei Trattati di Roma (1957-2007). Un nuovo umanesimo per l'Europa. Il ruolo delle Università, 21-24 Giugno 2007, How work and production have changed in the last 50 years in Eastern Europe?
  21. Religión, Cultura y Educacción, Universidad Abat Oliba, Barcelona, 23.04.2008, Religión, Cultura y Educacción: el caso de Polonia
  22. Sign: Between Metaphysics and Ontology. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, Houston, Texas, October 16-19, 2008.
  23. Maryland, Baltimore, 1-3.10.2009, The Inaugural North American Étienne Gilson Society, Thomist Humanism and the Future of Civilization, Loyola University, The Influence of Thomist Humanism on Polish Culture: Past, Present, Future.
  24. Tallin (Estonia), Trialogos Festival, 26-31.10.2009. Liturgy and Metaphysics (29.10.2009).
  25. Barcelona, Una Societat Despersonalitzada? Propostes educatives, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU, 14-16.05.2010. “Depersonalized Society. Educational Proposals“How to make economics more economic in a classical sense
  26. Baltimore (USA), 5-7.10.2010, Philosophy and Language, American Catholic Philosophical Association, Richard Blum’s book Philosopy of Religion in the Renaissance.
  27. Manila (Philippines), 23-26.05. 2011, Thomism and Asian Cultures: Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations, University of Santo Tomas:Aquinas metaphysics versus mythology, ontology and ideology.
  28. Wheeling (USA), 21-22.10. 2011, Leadership and the Liberal Arts, West Liberty University, Socialism and Leadership: Reversing the Order of Nature.
  29. Barcelona, The 17th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society. Universal Ethics, Cultural Diversity, and Globalization, IESE Business School, 14-15.05.2012, Business in a Global Context: Universal Ethics or Cultural Relativism?
  30. Bogotá, 12.06.2012, Workshop biociencias y filosofía, Universidad de la Sabana, La filosofía de la tecnología y la metafísica
  31. Bogotá, 14.06.2012, Jornadas de filosofías, Universidad de la Sabana, La técnica y la despersonalización de la sociedad
  32. Bogotá, 20.06.2012, Workshop arte, Universidad de la Sabana, La metafísica y el arte.
  33. Caracas, Venezuuela, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Instituto de Teología para Religiosos, El Seminario Arquidiocesano de Caracas y Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía, 29.01.2013, Kongres pt. „Iglesia Católica y Fundación de las Universidades”, referat: La verdad como el valor ético y la universidad.
  34. Guayana, Venesuela, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 31.01.2013, La verdad como el valor ético y la universidad.
  35. Puebla, 27-29. 08. 2013, XIII Encuentro Internacional de Centros de Cultura, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Ciencia y cultura en la posmodernidad


Autor: Piotr Jaroszyński
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15.02.2016, godz. 13:21 - Piotr Jaroszyński