
Magdalena Sawa


Index by keyword



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


abortion [aborcja]


Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270


abuses [nadużycia]


Zając, Paweł

Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 123-139


acquisition of material goods by the Church [nabywanie dóbr materialnych przez Kościół]

Warmuz, Agata
Pious wills as a means of acquisition of the temporal goods  in the Code of Canon Law and the particular Polish law

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 153-166

active participation [czynne uczestnictwo]

Słowikowska, Anna
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 25-37


administrative proceeding [postępowanie administracyjne]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


adoption [recepcja]

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66


aggregate of juridic persons [połączenie osób prawnych]


Dzierżon, Ginter

General Principles Concerning Aggregates of Juridic Persons in the Canonical Legal Order


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 9-19


alienation [alienacja]


Jakubiak, Tomasz

Can Sacred Object be Sold?


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 141-151


amendment [nowelizacja]


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


anti-clericalism [antyklerykalizm]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anticlerical legislation in Spain at the beginning of 30s of the 20th century

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 101-113

anticlerical legislation [ustawodawstwo antykościelne]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anticlerical legislation in Spain at the beginning of 30s of the 20th century

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 101-113


apostasy [apostazja]


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


apostolic prefecture [prefektura apostolska]

Kawa, Stanisław
Canonical status of the sui iuris mission on the example mission in Uzbekistan

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 137-152


Apostolic See [Stolica Apostolska]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


appeal [apelacja]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


application [wniosek]


Podsiadło, Michał

Churches and Religious Organizations as Initiators of Norm Checks before the Constitutional Tribunal


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 201-220


authentic interpretation [interpretacja autentyczna]

Bołtromiuk, Emilia
The meaning of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in canon law application

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 39-46



baptism [chrzest]


Zalewska, Agnieszka

The Concept of the Christian Faithful in the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 29-47


beatification [beatyfikacja]

Grzegorzewicz, Piotr
Prospects of beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph (1839-1893)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 53-71


beatification process [proces beatyfikacyjny]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


Benedict XVI [Benedykt XVI]  

Góralski, Wojciech
Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206

Romanko, Agnieszka
Structure and Competences of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 165-183

bishop [biskup]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235

Bolshevism [bolszewizm]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anti-Church Legislation of the USSR under the Reign of Vladimir Lenin (1917-1923)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 63-75

business taxation [opodatkowanie działalności gospodarczej]

Kaleta, Paweł
Legal determinants for running a parish based economic activity

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 129-143


canon law [prawo kanoniczne]

Bołtromiuk, Emilia
The meaning of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in canon law application

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 39-46

Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


canon law and civil law [prawo kanoniczne a prawo cywilne]


Dubiel, Stanisław

Entering into a Loan Agreement by a Juridical Person without the Bishop’s Permission


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 185-200


canonical marriage [małżeństwo kanoniczne]

Chojnowska, Emilia
The Issue of Protection of Marriage and Family in Concordats with the East-Central Europe in 1990-2012  

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 185-196


canonical provision [prowizja kanoniczna]


Kaszak, Robert

Provision the Office of Chancellor of the Diocesan Curia


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 53-66


canonical system [system kanoniczny]


Dzierżon, Ginter

General Principles Concerning Aggregates of Juridic Persons in the Canonical Legal Order


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 9-19


canonical tradition [tradycja kanoniczna]

Kawa, Stanisław
Canonical status of the sui iuris mission on the example mission in Uzbekistan

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 137-152


canonical trial [proces kanoniczny]


Witkowski, Wojciech

Measures of Proofs’ Consideration in the Canonical Trial of Nullity of Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 87-107


canonization law [prawo kanonizacyjne]

Grzegorzewicz, Piotr
Prospects of beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph (1839-1893)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 53-71


canons [kanony]


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


cardinal prefect [kardynał prefekt]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


Catholic Church [Kościół katolicki]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
The Organization of the Functioning of the Church in the French Legal Order. Outline of Issues

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 197-208

Wierzbicki, Piotr
Legal situation of Catholic Church in Polish People’s Republic

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 115-127


catholic education [wychowanie katolickie]


Szafranko, Anna

Regulations Concerning Catholic Schools in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 227-245


celibacy [celibat]    

Grochowina, Michał
Celibacy obligation for clerics according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 11-24


censures [cenzura]


Terpin, Anna

The Nature and Effects of Excommunication in the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 191-207


challenge of the sentence [zaskarżenie wyroku]


Bartoszek, Magdalena

Nova causae propositio in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Process Instruction Dignitas connubii


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 149-157


Charter of the Rights of the Family [Karta Praw Rodziny]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242

chastity [czystość]   

Grochowina, Michał
Celibacy obligation for clerics according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 11-24

child [dziecko]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242

child conceived [dziecko poczęte]

Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270


christians [chrześcijanie]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206

Church [Kościół]


Marčin, Jozef

The Remuneration of the Clergy in the Slovak Republic


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 153-166


Pankiewicz, Ryszard
Relict of Patronage’s Right in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 41-61

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
The impact of civil law on the establishment of patronage’s right

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 73-100

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anticlerical legislation in Spain at the beginning of 30s of the 20th century

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 101-113


Church and State [Kościół i państwo]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anti-Church Legislation of the USSR under the Reign of Vladimir Lenin (1917-1923)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 63-75


Church financing in the canton of Zurich [finansowanie Kościoła w kantonie Zurych]


Cząstkiewicz, Artur

Church Tax from Legal Persons in Canton Zurych


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 177-184


Church property [majątek kościelny]   

Dosz, Ireneusz
Property Damages in the Archdiocese of Poznań in the years 1939-1956

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 9-40


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


Church property rights [prawo majątkowe Kościoła]

Warmuz, Agata
Pious wills as a means of acquisition of the temporal goods  in the Code of Canon Law and the particular Polish law

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 153-166


Church tax [podatek kościelny]


Cząstkiewicz, Artur

Church Tax from Legal Persons in Canton Zurych


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 177-184


Church tax in Zurich [podatek kościelny w Zurychu]


Cząstkiewicz, Artur

Church Tax from Legal Persons in Canton Zurych


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 177-184


Church tax on companies [podatek kościelny od przedsiębiorstw]


Cząstkiewicz, Artur

Church Tax from Legal Persons in Canton Zurych


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 177-184


Churches and religious societies [Kościoły i związki wyznaniowe]


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


civil effects [skutki cywilne]

Chojnowska, Emilia
The Issue of Protection of Marriage and Family in Concordats with the East-Central Europe in 1990-2012  

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 185-196

civil law [prawo świeckie]

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
The impact of civil law on the establishment of patronage’s right

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 73-100

clause [klauzula]

Kołbuc, Magdalena
Prohibition of entering a marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Instruction Dignitas Connubii

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 179-194

clergy [duchowieństwo, duchowny]  

Dosz, Ireneusz
Property Damages in the Archdiocese of Poznań in the years 1939-1956

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 9-40


Van Scott, Maria

The Status of the Consecrated Person in the Teaching of John Paul II


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 49-56


cleric [duchowny, klerycki]

Ossowski, Krzysztof
The Procedure of Obtaining a Dispensation from Celibacy in the Latin Church at the Request of the Presbyter

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 115-132


Van Scott, Maria

The Status of the Consecrated Person in the Teaching of John Paul II


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 49-56


Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235


Code of Canon Law of 1983 [Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.]  

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66


Jakubiak, Tomasz

Can Sacred Object be Sold?


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 141-151


Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


collective body [organ kolegialny]

Zając, Paweł
Structure and competences of the Governing Council in Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 145-155

communist regime [władze komunistyczne]  

Dosz, Ireneusz
Property Damages in the Archdiocese of Poznań in the years 1939-1956

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 9-40

communist regime [reżym komunistyczny]

Wierzbicki, Piotr
Legal situation of Catholic Church in Polish People’s Republic

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 115-127

competence [kompetencja]

Sitko, Mariusz
The Pastoral Care of the Apostolic See concerning of Migrants and Itinerant People in the contemporary world

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 105-117

competences [kompetencje]

Kaczor, Adam
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Authentic Interpretations

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 133-163

competences of the pastors of the Church [kompetencje pasterzy Kościoła]


Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66


competent authority [kompetentna władza]


Kaszak, Robert

Provision the Office of Chancellor of the Diocesan Curia


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 53-66


conference of bishops [konferencja biskupów]

Lewicka, Mariola
Legislative competences of the conference of bishops as regards munus docendi

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 67-83

Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103


confessional law [prawo wyznaniowe]


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


Congregation for the Clergy [Kongregacja ds. Duchowieństwa]

Ossowski, Krzysztof
The Procedure of Obtaining a Dispensation from Celibacy in the Latin Church at the Request of the Presbyter

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 115-132


conscience [sumienie]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


consecrated life [życie konsekrowane]


Van Scott, Maria

The Status of the Consecrated Person in the Teaching of John Paul II


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 49-56


constitution [konstytucja]


Podsiadło, Michał

Churches and Religious Organizations as Initiators of Norm Checks before the Constitutional Tribunal


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 201-220


continence [wstrzemięźliwość]   

Grochowina, Michał
Celibacy obligation for clerics according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 11-24


cooperation [współdziałanie]


Podsiadło, Michał

Churches and Religious Organizations as Initiators of Norm Checks before the Constitutional Tribunal


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 201-220


coordination [koordynacja]

Sitko, Mariusz
The Pastoral Care of the Apostolic See concerning of Migrants and Itinerant People in the contemporary world

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 105-117


crime [przestępstwo]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


crime of euthanasia [przestępstwo eutanazji]

Tacikowska, Magdalena
Crime of euthanasia in the catholic Church legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 209-218


crime of physical forces [przestępstwo przymusu fizycznego]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235


criminal responsibility [odpowiedzialność karna]


Grudzińska, Karolina

The Deed Authorship Prohibited in the Light of art. 194 Criminal Code from 1997


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 167-178


criminal sanction [sankcja karna]    

Grochowina, Michał
The Preliminary Investigation in the Case of Dimissio de Statu Clericali

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 77-99

cross [krzyż]

Romanko, Agnieszka
The symbol of the cross in the public sphere in the context of the selected judgments

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 207-226

culture of peace [kultura pokoju]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206


curator [kustosz]

Tyl, Sylwia
The legal norms concerning shrines in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the First Synod of Diocese of Kalisz (2007-2009)

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 119-136


death [śmierć]

Tacikowska, Magdalena
Crime of euthanasia in the catholic Church legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 209-218


decree of appointment [dekret nominacyjny]


Kaszak, Robert

Provision the Office of Chancellor of the Diocesan Curia


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 53-66


a decree of expulsion [dekret wydalenia]


Siedlecki, Jacek

Impartiality in the Criminal Proceedings against Monk who Committed an Offence against the Sixth Commandment (can. 695 § 1; 1395 § 2)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 57-86


diaconate [diakonat]


Wojnarowicz, Piotr

Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony by the motu proprio Omnium in mentem written by Benedict XVI


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 109-121


dicastery [dykasteria]

Romanko, Agnieszka
Structure and Competences of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 165-183

diocesan bishop [biskup diecezjalny]


Kukulska, Patrycja

Moderator of the Curia in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Particular Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 67-82


Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103


diocesan funds [fundusze diecezjalne]


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


diocese of Kalisz [diecezja kaliska]

Tyl, Sylwia
The legal norms concerning shrines in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the First Synod of Diocese of Kalisz (2007-2009)

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 119-136

directory Apostolorum Successores [dyrektorium Apostolorum successores]

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66


discretionary power of the judge [dyskrecjonalna władza sędziego]


Saternus, Arkadiusz

The Principle of Legality in the Context of the General Norm in can. 1399 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 179-189


discretionary punishment [uznaniowość karania]


Saternus, Arkadiusz

The Principle of Legality in the Context of the General Norm in can. 1399 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 179-189


discrimination [dyskryminacja]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206


dissolution of marriage [rozwiązanie małżeństwa]


Mucha, Marta

The Marriage of a Muslim with a Christian. The Perspective of Islamic Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 83-104


distribution of Holy Communion [rozdzielanie Komunii św.]


Zając, Paweł

Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 123-139


Divine Worship [kult Boży]

Słowikowska, Anna
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 25-37


donation for ecclesiastical juridic persons [darowizny na rzecz kościelnych osób prawnych]

Warmuz, Agata
Pious wills as a means of acquisition of the temporal goods  in the Code of Canon Law and the particular Polish law

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 153-166


the duty and right of parents [prawo i obowiązek rodziców]


Szafranko, Anna

Regulations Concerning Catholic Schools in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 227-245



ecclesiastical office [urząd kościelny]


Kaszak, Robert

Provision the Office of Chancellor of the Diocesan Curia


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 53-66


Terpin, Anna

The Nature and Effects of Excommunication in the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 191-207


economic activity [działalność gospodarcza]

Kaleta, Paweł
Legal determinants for running a parish based economic activity

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 129-143


economic security [bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne]


Marčin, Jozef

The Remuneration of the Clergy in the Slovak Republic


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 153-166


entity of administration [podmiot administracji]


Feczko, Piotr

The Body and the Office in Polish Administrative Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 21-34


entrepreneur [przedsiębiorca]

Kaleta, Paweł
Legal determinants for running a parish based economic activity

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 129-143


euthanasia [eutanazja]

Tacikowska, Magdalena
Crime of euthanasia in the catholic Church legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 209-218


excommunication [ekskomunika]


Terpin, Anna

The Nature and Effects of Excommunication in the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 191-207


executive power [władza wykonawcza]

Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113


the expulsion of a religious institute [wydalenie z instytutu zakonnego]


Siedlecki, Jacek

Impartiality in the Criminal Proceedings against Monk who Committed an Offence against the Sixth Commandment (can. 695 § 1; 1395 § 2)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 57-86


faith [wiara]   

Góralski, Wojciech
Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21


family [rodzina]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242


form celebration of marriage [forma kanoniczna]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


freedom of conscience [wolność wyznania]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206

freedom of religion [wolność religii]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206


French Revolution [Rewolucja Francuska]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
The Organization of the Functioning of the Church in the French Legal Order. Outline of Issues

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 197-208



general criminal sanction [ogólna sankcja karna]


Saternus, Arkadiusz

The Principle of Legality in the Context of the General Norm in can. 1399 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 179-189


general decrees [dekrety ogólne]

Lewicka, Mariola
Legislative competences of the conference of bishops as regards munus docendi

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 67-83


general principles [zasady ogólne]


Siedlecki, Jacek

Impartiality in the Criminal Proceedings against Monk who Committed an Offence against the Sixth Commandment (can. 695 § 1; 1395 § 2)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 57-86


good death [dobra śmierć]

Tacikowska, Magdalena
Crime of euthanasia in the catholic Church legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 209-218


good of the spouses [dobro małżonków]   

Góralski, Wojciech
Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21

Governing Council [Rada zarządzająca]

Zając, Paweł
Structure and competences of the Governing Council in Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 145-155


health [zdrowie]

Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270

Holy Mass [msza św.]

Słowikowska, Anna
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 25-37

Holy See [Stolica Święta]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206


human rights [prawa człowieka]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206


humanity [człowieczeństwo]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27



impediments [przeszkody]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


imputability [poczytalność

Grochowina, Michał
The Preliminary Investigation in the Case of Dimissio de Statu Clericali

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 77-99

in vitro [in vitro]

Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270


individual rights [prawa podmiotowe]


Siedlecki, Jacek

Impartiality in the Criminal Proceedings against Monk who Committed an Offence against the Sixth Commandment (can. 695 § 1; 1395 § 2)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 57-86


information which seems to be true [wiadomość prawdopodobna]    

Grochowina, Michał
The Preliminary Investigation in the Case of Dimissio de Statu Clericali

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 77-99

instruments of social communication [środki społecznego przekazu]

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council about instruments of social communication in polish synodal legislation until 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 23-52

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66

insult [czynna zniewaga]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235

interpretations of the law [wykładnia prawa]

Kaczor, Adam
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Authentic Interpretations

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 133-163

investigator [investigator]  

Grochowina, Michał
The Preliminary Investigation in the Case of Dimissio de Statu Clericali

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 77-99



judge [sędzia]


Witkowski, Wojciech

Measures of Proofs’ Consideration in the Canonical Trial of Nullity of Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 87-107


judges discussion [dyskusja sędziowska]

Królik, Marcin
Votum separatum in a process of search for the objective truth

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 195-208

judicial power [władza sądownicza]

Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113


judicial review [kontrola konstytucyjności prawa]


Podsiadło, Michał

Churches and Religious Organizations as Initiators of Norm Checks before the Constitutional Tribunal


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 201-220




laity [laicki]


Van Scott, Maria

The Status of the Consecrated Person in the Teaching of John Paul II


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 49-56


Lautsi versus Italy [Lautsi przeciwko Włochom]

Romanko, Agnieszka
The symbol of the cross in the public sphere in the context of the selected judgments

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 207-226


law [prawo]


Marčin, Jozef

The Remuneration of the Clergy in the Slovak Republic


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 153-166


lawsuit [proces sądowy]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


the lay Christian faithful [wierni świeccy]

Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
Relict of Patronage’s Right in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 41-61


legal personality of the parish [osobowość prawna parafii]

Kaleta, Paweł
Legal determinants for running a parish based economic activity

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 129-143


legal presumption [domniemanie prawne]


Witkowski, Wojciech

Measures of Proofs’ Consideration in the Canonical Trial of Nullity of Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 87-107


legal provisions [regulacje prawne]

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
Relict of Patronage’s Right in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 41-61


legal regulations [regulacje prawne]

Chojnowska, Emilia
The Issue of Protection of Marriage and Family in Concordats with the East-Central Europe in 1990-2012  

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 185-196


legalism [legalizm]


Saternus, Arkadiusz

The Principle of Legality in the Context of the General Norm in can. 1399 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 179-189


legislation [legislacja]

Kaczor, Adam
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Authentic Interpretations

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 133-163


legislative competences [kompetencje legislacyjne]


Lewicka, Mariola
Legislative competences of the conference of bishops as regards munus docendi

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 67-83


legislative power [władza ustawodawcza]


Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113


license [upoważnienie]


Zając, Paweł

Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 123-139


life [życie]

Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270

liturgy [liturgia]

Słowikowska, Anna
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 25-37



the major superior [przełożony wyższy]


Siedlecki, Jacek

Impartiality in the Criminal Proceedings against Monk who Committed an Offence against the Sixth Commandment (can. 695 § 1; 1395 § 2)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 57-86


management diocese [zarządzanie diecezją]


Kukulska, Patrycja

Moderator of the Curia in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Particular Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 67-82


marriage [małżeństwo, zawarcie małżeństwa]    

Góralski, Wojciech
Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21

Kołbuc, Magdalena
Prohibition of entering a marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Instruction Dignitas Connubii

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 179-194


Mucha, Marta

The Marriage of a Muslim with a Christian. The Perspective of Islamic Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 83-104


Piątkowska, Aneta

Senile Personality as the Cause of the Incapacity of Person to Contracting Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 105-116


Stasiuk, Paweł

Retroactive Validation of Marriage according to 1983 Code of Canon Law (can. 1161-1165)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 117-128


marriage nullity case [proces o nieważność małżeństwa]


Bartoszek, Magdalena

Nova causae propositio in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Process Instruction Dignitas connubii


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 149-157


mass media [mass media]

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council about instruments of social communication in polish synodal legislation until 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 23-52

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66


matrimonial consent [zgoda małżeńska]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


maturity [dojrzałość]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


mediation [mediacja]

Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103

mediation council [rada mediacyjna]

Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103


mental disorder [zaburzenia psychiczne]


Piątkowska, Aneta

Senile Personality as the Cause of the Incapacity of Person to Contracting Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 105-116


migration [migracja]

Sitko, Mariusz
The Pastoral Care of the Apostolic See concerning of Migrants and Itinerant People in the contemporary world

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 105-117

missio canonica [missio canonica]

Zonik, Aleksandra
Teaching of religion in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the Polish Concordat of 1993

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 167-177


misuse [nadużycie]


Jakubiak, Tomasz

Can Sacred Object be Sold?


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 141-151


mobility [ruchliwość]

Sitko, Mariusz
The Pastoral Care of the Apostolic See concerning of Migrants and Itinerant People in the contemporary world

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 105-117

moral and religious convictions [przekonania moralne i religijne]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242

moral certitude [pewność moralna]

Królik, Marcin
Votum separatum in a process of search for the objective truth

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 195-208


Witkowski, Wojciech

Measures of Proofs’ Consideration in the Canonical Trial of Nullity of Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 87-107


mortal sin [grzech ciężki]

Tacikowska, Magdalena
Crime of euthanasia in the catholic Church legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 209-218



nova causae propositio [nova causae propositio]


Bartoszek, Magdalena

Nova causae propositio in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Process Instruction Dignitas connubii


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 149-157


the nullity of marriage [nieważność małżeństwa]


Piątkowska, Aneta

Senile Personality as the Cause of the Incapacity of Person to Contracting Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 105-116



obstacles [przeszkody]


Mucha, Marta

The Marriage of a Muslim with a Christian. The Perspective of Islamic Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 83-104


offender [przestępca]


Grudzińska, Karolina

The Deed Authorship Prohibited in the Light of art. 194 Criminal Code from 1997


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 167-178


offense [przestępstwo]   

Grochowina, Michał
The Preliminary Investigation in the Case of Dimissio de Statu Clericali

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 77-99

office of sanctifying in the Church [uświęcające zadanie Kościoła]

Słowikowska, Anna
Participation in the liturgy of the Holy Mass – concept and requirements

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 25-37


officium supplere [officium supplere]


Zając, Paweł

Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 123-139


opinion of holiness [opinia świętości]

Grzegorzewicz, Piotr
Prospects of beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph (1839-1893)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 53-71

orders [święcenia]   

Grochowina, Michał
Celibacy obligation for clerics according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 11-24

Ordinary [ordynariusz]

Zając, Paweł
Structure and competences of the Governing Council in Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 145-155


papal Magisterium [papieskie magisterium]

Romanko, Agnieszka
Structure and Competences of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 165-183

parents [rodzice]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242


parents’ rights [prawa rodziców]

Tyl, Sylwia
Parents’ right to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions in the Charter of the Rights of the Family

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 227-242


participation of the laity in priestly ministry [udział świeckich w posłudze kapłanów]


Zając, Paweł

Lay Persons as the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (can. 230 § 3 of the Code of Canon Law)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 123-139


particular law [prawo partykularne]

Romanko, Agnieszka
Mediation council in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 85-103


parties [strony]


Witkowski, Wojciech

Measures of Proofs’ Consideration in the Canonical Trial of Nullity of Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 87-107


pastoral care [duszpasterstwo]

Sitko, Mariusz
The Pastoral Care of the Apostolic See concerning of Migrants and Itinerant People in the contemporary world

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 105-117

patronage’s right [prawo patronatu]

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
The impact of civil law on the establishment of patronage’s right

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 73-100

penal sanctions [sankcja karna]

Grochowina, Michał
Celibacy obligation for clerics according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 11-24


penalties in Church [kary kościelne]


Terpin, Anna

The Nature and Effects of Excommunication in the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 191-207


penalty [kara]


Terpin, Anna

The Nature and Effects of Excommunication in the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 191-207


People of God [Lud Boży]


Zalewska, Agnieszka

The Concept of the Christian Faithful in the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 29-47


Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans [ordynariat personalny dla anglikanów]

Zając, Paweł
Structure and competences of the Governing Council in Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 145-155


petitioner [powód]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


pious wills [pobożne zapisy]

Warmuz, Agata
Pious wills as a means of acquisition of the temporal goods  in the Code of Canon Law and the particular Polish law

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 153-166

polish legislation [ustawodawstwo polskie]

Czebotar, Łukasz; Gądzik, Zuzanna
Criminal Law protection of life and health of a child conceived in Polish legislation

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 243-270


Polish People’s Republic [Polska Ludowa]

Wierzbicki, Piotr
Legal situation of Catholic Church in Polish People’s Republic

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 115-127


polish synodal legislation [polskie ustawodawstwo synodalne]


Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council about instruments of social communication in polish synodal legislation until 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 23-52

Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts [Papieska Rada ds. Interpretacji Tekstów Prawnych]

Bołtromiuk, Emilia
The meaning of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts in canon law application

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 39-46

The Pope of Rome (the Roman Pontiff) [papież]


Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235

the power of governance [władza rządzenia]


Menke, Monika
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113


preliminary investigation [dochodzenie wstępne]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


priestly ministry [posługa kapłańska]


Ossowski, Krzysztof
The Procedure of Obtaining a Dispensation from Celibacy in the Latin Church at the Request of the Presbyter

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 115-132


the principle of coordination [zasada koordynacji]


Kukulska, Patrycja

Moderator of the Curia in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Particular Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 67-82


private cult [kult prywatny]


Grzegorzewicz, Piotr
Prospects of beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph (1839-1893)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 53-71


private juridic person [prywatna osoba prawna]


Dzierżon, Ginter

General Principles Concerning Aggregates of Juridic Persons in the Canonical Legal Order


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 9-19


privilege of the presentation for an ecclesiastical office [przywilej prezentacji na urząd kościelny]

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
Relict of Patronage’s Right in the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 41-61


procedure [procedura]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


Podsiadło, Michał

Churches and Religious Organizations as Initiators of Norm Checks before the Constitutional Tribunal


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 201-220


profanation [profanacja]


Jakubiak, Tomasz

Can Sacred Object be Sold?


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 141-151


prohibition [zakaz]

Kołbuc, Magdalena
Prohibition of entering a marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Instruction Dignitas Connubii

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 179-194


promoter of justice [promotor sprawiedliwości]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


public juridic person [publiczna osoba prawna]


Dzierżon, Ginter

General Principles Concerning Aggregates of Juridic Persons in the Canonical Legal Order


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 9-19


purity [czystość]

Ossowski, Krzysztof
The Procedure of Obtaining a Dispensation from Celibacy in the Latin Church at the Request of the Presbyter

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 115-132



Quran [Koran]


Mucha, Marta

The Marriage of a Muslim with a Christian. The Perspective of Islamic Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 83-104


recognitio [recognitio]

Kaczor, Adam
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Authentic Interpretations

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 133-163

Lewicka, Mariola
Legislative competences of the conference of bishops as regards munus docendi

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 67-83


recourse [rekurs]


Nafalska, Edyta

General Principles of Canonical Penalties Dimension


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 129-147


relations [relacje]

Wasilewicz, Urszula
The Organization of the Functioning of the Church in the French Legal Order. Outline of Issues

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 197-208


the relationship between Church and state [relacje Kościoła i państwa]


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


religious [zakonnik]


Van Scott, Maria

The Status of the Consecrated Person in the Teaching of John Paul II


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 49-56


Wasilewicz, Urszula
Genesis of can. 1370 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 219-235


religious discrimination [dyskryminacja religijna]


Grudzińska, Karolina

The Deed Authorship Prohibited in the Light of art. 194 Criminal Code from 1997


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 167-178


religious education [katechizacja]


Zonik, Aleksandra
Teaching of religion in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the Polish Concordat of 1993

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 167-177

religious freedom [wolność religijna]


Grudzińska, Karolina

The Deed Authorship Prohibited in the Light of art. 194 Criminal Code from 1997


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 167-178


Riobó, Alfonso
Wolność religijna za pontyfikatu Benedykta XVI. Siedem lat interwencji przy ONZ

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206

Romanko, Agnieszka
The symbol of the cross in the public sphere in the context of the selected judgments

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 207-226


religious fund [fundusz kościelny]


Menke, Monika

The Forming Process of the New Model of the Relationship between Church and State in the Czech Republic after the Property Settlement


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 209-225


religious symbol [symbol religijny]

Romanko, Agnieszka
The symbol of the cross in the public sphere in the context of the selected judgments

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 207-226


representation juridical person [reprezentacja kościelnych osób prawnych]


Dubiel, Stanisław

Entering into a Loan Agreement by a Juridical Person without the Bishop’s Permission


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 185-200


rescript [reskrypt]

Ossowski, Krzysztof
The Procedure of Obtaining a Dispensation from Celibacy in the Latin Church at the Request of the Presbyter

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 115-132


respondent [pozwany]


Krzywkowska, Justyna

The Libellus about Nullity of Marriage. The Substantive and Procedural Requirements


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 159-175


the right to establish and direct schools [prawo do zakładania i kierowania szkołami]


Szafranko, Anna

Regulations Concerning Catholic Schools in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 227-245


Roman Curia [Kuria Rzymska]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


Kaczor, Adam
Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and Authentic Interpretations

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 133-163

Romanko, Agnieszka
Structure and Competences of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 165-183

roman law [prawo rzymskie]

Pankiewicz, Ryszard
The impact of civil law on the establishment of patronage’s right

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 73-100


Russia [Rosja]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anti-Church Legislation of the USSR under the Reign of Vladimir Lenin (1917-1923)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 63-75


sacrament [sakrament]    

Góralski, Wojciech
Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21


sanatio in radice [sanatio in radice]


Stasiuk, Paweł

Retroactive Validation of Marriage according to 1983 Code of Canon Law (can. 1161-1165)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 117-128


sanctity [świętość]


Zalewska, Agnieszka

The Concept of the Christian Faithful in the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 29-47


Second Vatican Council [Sobór Watykański II]

Delmanowicz, Grzegorz
Adoption of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council about instruments of social communication in polish synodal legislation until 1983

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 23-52


secretary [sekretarz]


Białowąs, Krzysztof

Competences of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 35-51


self-control [samokontrola]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


seminarian [seminarzysta]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


seminary [seminarium]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


senility [starość]


Piątkowska, Aneta

Senile Personality as the Cause of the Incapacity of Person to Contracting Marriage


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 105-116


sentence [wyrok]

Kołbuc, Magdalena
Prohibition of entering a marriage in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Instruction Dignitas Connubii

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 179-194

Królik, Marcin
Votum separatum in a process of search for the objective truth

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 195-208


shrine [sanktuarium]

Tyl, Sylwia
The legal norms concerning shrines in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the First Synod of Diocese of Kalisz (2007-2009)

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 119-136

situation of the Church in USSR [sytuacja Kościoła w ZSRR]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anti-Church Legislation of the USSR under the Reign of Vladimir Lenin (1917-1923)

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 63-75

Spain [Hiszpania]

Szubtarski, Grzegorz
Anticlerical legislation in Spain at the beginning of 30s of the 20th century

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 101-113

state [państwo]

Chojnowska, Emilia
The Issue of Protection of Marriage and Family in Concordats with the East-Central Europe in 1990-2012  

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 185-196


Marčin, Jozef

The Remuneration of the Clergy in the Slovak Republic


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 153-166


Wasilewicz, Urszula
The Organization of the Functioning of the Church in the French Legal Order. Outline of Issues

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 197-208


state of life in Church [stan życia w Kościele]


Zalewska, Agnieszka

The Concept of the Christian Faithful in the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 29-47


statutes [statuty]

Tyl, Sylwia
The legal norms concerning shrines in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the First Synod of Diocese of Kalisz (2007-2009)

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 119-136

the structure of the Church [struktura Kościoła]

Kawa, Stanisław
Canonical status of the sui iuris mission on the example mission in Uzbekistan

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 137-152

sui iuris mission [misja sui iuris]

Kawa, Stanisław
Canonical status of the sui iuris mission on the example mission in Uzbekistan

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 137-152

synod [synod]

Tyl, Sylwia
The legal norms concerning shrines in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the First Synod of Diocese of Kalisz (2007-2009)

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 119-136


system of Church administration [ustrój administracji Kościoła]


Feczko, Piotr

The Body and the Office in Polish Administrative Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 21-34


system of public administration [ustrój administracji publicznej]


Feczko, Piotr

The Body and the Office in Polish Administrative Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 21-34



tasks diocesan curia [zadania kurii diecezjalnej]


Kukulska, Patrycja

Moderator of the Curia in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Particular Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 67-82


the teaching function [zadanie nauczania]

Lewicka, Mariola
Legislative competences of the conference of bishops as regards munus docendi

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 67-83


the teaching function of the Church [nauczycielskie zadanie Kościoła]


Szafranko, Anna

Regulations Concerning Catholic Schools in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in Polish Law


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 227-245


teaching of religion in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 [nauczanie religii w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.]

Zonik, Aleksandra
Teaching of religion in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the Polish Concordat of 1993

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 167-177

teaching of religion in the Polish Concordat of 1993 [nauczanie religii w Konkordacie polskim z 1993 r.]

Zonik, Aleksandra
Teaching of religion in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 and in the Polish Concordat of 1993

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 167-177


triple mission of Jesus Christ [potrójna misja Chrystusa]


Zalewska, Agnieszka

The Concept of the Christian Faithful in the Code of Canon Law of 1983


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 29-47


two concordant sentences [drugi zgodny wyrok]


Bartoszek, Magdalena

Nova causae propositio in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Process Instruction Dignitas connubii


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 149-157


United Nations [Narody Zjednoczone]

Riobó, Alfonso
Religious freedom in the papacy of pope Benedict XVI. Seven years of interventions before the UN

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 157-206

Uzbekistan [Uzbekistan]

Kawa, Stanisław
Canonical status of the sui iuris mission on the example mission in Uzbekistan

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 137-152



validation of marriage [uważnienie małżeństwa]


Stasiuk, Paweł

Retroactive Validation of Marriage according to 1983 Code of Canon Law (can. 1161-1165)


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 2: 117-128


vocation [powołanie]


Pawlak, Tomasz

Formation Human Candidates for the Priesthood in the “Principles of Priestly Formation in Poland” of 1999 and the Resolutions of the Second Polish Plenary Synod


Kościół i Prawo 3 (16) 2014, 1: 9-27


votum separatum [votum separatum]

Królik, Marcin
Votum separatum in a process of search for the objective truth

» Summary

Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 195-208


war [wojna]

Dosz, Ireneusz
Property Damages in the Archdiocese of Poznań in the years 1939-1956

» Summary

Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 9-40