Research interests:


In linguistics:

syntactic constraints on the English and Polish idioms; proper names in fixed phrases, psychological predicates; unaccusative-unergative dichotomy of verbs.

In literature:

British Poetry of the 16th/17th century - English metaphysical poets, e.g., George Herbert;
British Literature of the Romantic era (social novel of manners: Jane Austen);
American popular culture in art and literature of the second half of the twentieth century: Postmodernism: an overview of the historical and social development; The influence of American popular culture on Polish culture (film and music).


Zainteresowania badawcze/naukowe:


Z zakresu językoznawstwa:

ograniczenia syntaktyczne na angielskich i polskich idiomach, nazwy własne w związkach frazeologicznych, czasowniki wyrażające stany emocjonalne i psychologiczne.


Z zakresu literatury:

Poezja brytyjska XVI-XVII wieku – angielscy poeci metafizyczni: George Herbert;

Brytyjska literatura epoki romantyzmu (powieść społeczno-obyczajowa Jane Austen);

Amerykańska kultura popularna w sztuce i literaturze drugiej połowy XX wieku: Postmodernizm: zarys historyczno-społeczny; Wpływ amerykańskiej kultury popularnej na kulturę polską (film i muzyka).

















Publications/ publikacje:


  • Dąbrowska, Anna. 2015.  Syntactic patterns of English andPolish fixed phrases with proper names. In Roczniki Humanistyczne, Vol LXIII (6): Językoznawstwo, 53-88. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
  • Dąbrowska, Anna. 2015. English and Polish Fixed Phrases with Proper Names. In Bloch-Rozmej, Anna, Anna Bondaruk, Anna Prażmowska (eds.).Spotlight on Melody and Structure in Syntax and Phonology. Studies in Linguistics and Methodology, vol. 7, 109-126. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
  • Dąbrowska, Anna (in press). Unaccusative or unergative. The case of the English verb TO DIE. In Roczniki Humanistyczne Anglica. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.





  • ACED 18 (2016): 18th Annual Conference of the English Department Bucharest, Romania. 02-04.06.2016. Unaccusative Mismatch. The study of the English verb TO DIE.
  • SUM 2016: 4th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Structure, Use, and Me. Brasov, Romania. 21-24.09.2016. Phraseological units as psych-predicates within the framework of Landau’s (2010) theory.
  • Linguistics Beyond And Within 2016. Lublin, 20-21.10.2016. The Locative Syntax of Experiencers. The case study of phraseological units as psych-predicates.



  • Workshop session at Language and Society: Workshop Department of Discourse Studies, Institute of Applied Linguistics University of Warsaw - Language and Society: Workshop in Communication and Discourse Studies Warszawa, 13.05.2015.
  • Young Linguists Seminar. Lublin, 28.05.2015. Is the English verb ‘to die’ unaccusative in English?
  • CECIL’S 5: 5th Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students. Olomouc (Czech Republic), 4-5.09.2015. Unaccusative or unergative? The case of the English verb ‘to die’.
  • Linguistics Beyond And Within 2015. Lublin, 22-23.10.2015. The status of the English verb ‘to die’ in fixed phrases and idiomatic expressions.



  • Young Linguists Seminar. Lublin, 09.06.2014. Personal and place names in English and Polish fixed phrases.
  • CECIL’S 4: 4th Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students. Lublin, 21-22.08.2014. Personal and place names in English and Polish fixed phrases.
  • Parley 2014. University of York. A conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students. York, UK, 12.09.2014. Personal and place names in English and Polish fixed phrases.
  • Linguistics Beyond And Within 2014. Lublin, 06-07.11.2014. English and Polish fixed phrases with proper names.




Office hours/ konsultacje: by appointment/wg indywidualnych umówień

Autor: Monika Gozdór
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 29.10.2016, godz. 19:52 - Aleksander Bednarski