cip_224As a consequence of brand new medium Internet and all its aftermaths for society and today's economy on the Catholic University of Lublin has been established Center for IT and IT law . The task of the Center consists of two parallel activities, firstly the team of researchers who are dealing with the issue of legal questions related to the Internet which are new challenges for lawyers i.e. matters of data protection, intellectual property, computer related crimes and telecommunication. Secondly at the Center students of faculty of law have the opportunity to became familiar with software which will be necessary in theirs future professional life. Obviously the Center is keen to embark any cooperation within its field of activity.


The acting Chair: Paweł Fajgielski, Hab. PhD, University Professor




Lidia Fiejdasz-Buczek, PhD
Bartosz Kuś, PhD

Marek Smarzewski, PhD
Jacek Trzewik, PhD




Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin,
Collegium Joannis Pauli II, C-705A
Laboratories: C-512; C-703