Strona tytułowa



The Need for Visualization of Knowledge in the Culture Studies (Streszczenie/Summary) 16

A Phenomenon of Visual Turn and Visual Studies in Contemporary Culture (Streszczenie/Summary) 32

The Interpretative Potential of Psychodrama in Anthropological Research (Streszczenie/Summary) 50

‘Mystery Shopping’ and ‘Shadowing’ as Methods of Cultural Studies (Streszczenie/Summary) 70

Orthodox Church Rite as an Intertextual Research Criteria Based on the Example of Daniil Andreyev’s Poem of Russian Gods (Streszczenie/Summary) 88

Theatre Transformations in Drama: Some Remarks on Theatrical Concept of Drama as a Method (Streszczenie/Summary) 99

Knowledge about Culture as a Knowledge about Art: Selected Issues Relating Art Research (Streszczenie/Summary) 122

Artyzm językowy Hildegardy z Bingen na przykadzie jej listów (Streszczenie/Summary) 151

A Few Words on the Need for Research and Axiological Reflection (A Side Note on the Conference “Culture and Method,” Lublin, CUL, 18-19 April 2013) (Streszczenie/Summary) 165



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Autor: Krzysztof Modras
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01.02.2015, godz. 12:31 - Andrzej Zykubek