• Articles and translations that are appropriate for the journal are sent to two independent referees from outside of the author's affiliation unit.
  • Every review is double-blind (i.e. the author of an article does not know the identity of its reviewers and vice versa).

The reviewer will be requested to sign up a declaration confirming the absence of any conflict of interest in the case when there is a close personal relationship between the author and the reviewer (i.e. family relationship: marriage or consanguinity up to 2nd degree, employment relationship, close professional partnership up to 2 years before the year of reviewing).

  • Every review is provided by referees in writing and contains an unambiguous decision about conditions of publishing the reviewed article (or its rejection) with justification and additional remarks.
  • If in doubt, final decisions regarding publication are made by the Scientific Council on the basis of both the reviews.
  • Editorial Commettee will send both reviews to the author (without any notes about the reviewer identity). When revision of a manuscript is requested, authors should return the revised version of their manuscript as soon as possible. Authors will also receive a file with the edited version of their manuscript for final proofreading.
  • Editors will publish reviewers' names in every number of the journal.
  • The individual article's reviewers are not revealed.



The Review Form (.odt)