Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 11-21

Faith and marriage. From the speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota (26 January 2013)


Wojciech Góralski


The subject of the annual, latest – as it turned out – speech of Benedict XVI to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota dated 26 January 2013 pertains to the relationship between faith and marriage, in the context of the Year of Faith. It takes into consideration the current crisis of the faith, which is affecting the contemporary human being, bringing with it a crisis of the conjugal society.

The Holy Father refers to i.e. John Paul II and explains that the faith of the party who is baptised is not necessary for contracting sacramental marriage. It requires from those engaged to be married the true intention to contract the marriage according to the natural reality of matrimony. At the same time Benedict XVI pays attention to the fact, that lack of faith may cause the simulation of consent, i.e. according to the bonum coniugum.


Słowa kluczowe: wiara, małżeństwo, sakrament, dobro małżonków, Benedykt XVI


Key words: faith, marriage, sacrament, good of the spouses, Benedict XVI