Editorial Board

"Archiwa Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne"


PhD Artur Hamryszczak 

- Editor-in-Chief


Rev. PhD Hab. Waldemar W. Żurek, Professor of KUL

- contemporary history


Rev. PhD Hab. Piotr Szczur, Professor of KUL

       - ancient history and patrology


Rev. PhD Hab. Włodzimierz Bielak, Professor of KUL

- medieval history


Rev. PhD Hab. Józef Szymański, Professor of AP

- the history of the Church in the East and the chaplaincy of the Polish community in the West


PhD Hab. Maria Dębowska 

- archive studies


Rev. PhD Hab. Tomasz Moskal, Professor of KUL

- modern history and library science


PhD Beata Skrzydlewska 

- the history of art and museology


PhD Viktorija Vaitkevičiūtė Verbickienė

- library science, the history of the Church


PhD Joanna Nastalska-Wiśnicka

 - library science


PhD Daniel Kiper

- press studies



PhD Hab. Lech Giemza

- Polish-Language Editor


MA Aneta Kiper

- English-Language Editor


PhD Krzysztof Jurek

- Statistical Editor