Department of Theory & Anthropology of Literature


Since 1982 the Department of Theory of Literature has been organizing a series of all-Polish Axiological Conferences [more]. The materials from these conferences along with several collections of articles by individual members of the Department have been published in the Department’s editorial series Literatura w kregu wartosci [Literature in the Domain of Values], with Stefan Sawicki as the editor-in-chief.

1. Post-session books

  • Interpretacje aksjologiczne [Axiological Interpretations] Ed. by W. Panas, A. Tyszczyk, Lublin 1997, RW KUL
  • Problemy aksjologiczne w nauce o literaturze [Axiological Issues in Literary Studies] Ed. by S. Sawicki, A. Tyszczyk, Lublin 1992, RWKUL
  • O wartosciowaniu w badaniach literackich [On Evaluating in Literary Studies] Ed. by S. Sawicki, W. Panas, Lublin 1986, RW KUL

2. Books of the series: Literatura w kregu wartosci [Literature in the Domain of Values]:
  • Andrzej Tyszczyk, Estetyczne i metafizyczne aspekty aksjologii literackiej Romana Ingardena [Aesthetic and Metaphysical Aspects of Roman Ingarden’s Literary Axiology], Lublin 1993, RWKUL
  • Stefan Sawicki, Wartosc–sacrum-Norwid. Studia i szkice aksjologicznoliterackie [Value-sacrum-Norwid. Axiological and Literary Studies and Essays], Lublin 1994, RWKUL
  • Jadwiga Puzynina, Słowo-wartosc-kultura [Word-Value-Culture], Lublin 1998, RWKUL

3. The Department also supports the following editorial series: Z teorii i metodologii badan literackich [From Theory and Methodology of Literary Studies]:
  • Edward Fiala, Modele freudowskiej metody badania dziela literackiego [Models of Freud’s Method of Analysis a Literary Work of Art], Lublin 1991, TNKUL
  • Wladysław Panas, W kregu metody semiotycznej [In the Domain of the Semiotic Method], Lublin 1991, TNKUL
  • Andrzej Stoff, Studia z teorii literatury i poetyki historycznej [Studies in Theory of Literature and Historical Poetics], Lublin 1997, TNKUL
  • Jozef Japola, Tekst czy glos. Waltera J. Onga antropologia literatury [Text or Voice. Walter J. Ong’s Anthropology of Literature], Lublin 1998, TNKUL

4. The Department is also co-editing (in collaboration with the Department of Modern Literature in KUL) the series: Literatura wspolczesna – pisarze i problemy [Contemporary Literature – Writers and Problems]:
  • Adam Fitas, Model powieści Jozefa Mackiewicza [The Model of Jozef Mackiewicz’s Novel], Lublin 1996, TN KUL
  • Wladysław Panas, Ksiega blasku. Traktat o Kabale w prozie Brunona Schulza [The Book of Brightness. The Treatise on Cabala in Bruno Schulz’s Oeuvre], Lublin 1997, TN KUL
  • Jaroslaw Borowski, “Miedzy bluznierca i wyznawca”. Doswiadczenie sacrum w poezji Aleksandra Wata ["Between a Blasphemer and Adherer." The Experience of Sacrum in Alexander Wat’s Poetry], Lublin 1998, TN KUL
Autor: Ireneusz Piekarski
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 06.05.2010, godz. 12:53 - Ireneusz Piekarski