Artykuł w pierwszej części prezentuje poglądy Coelho odnośnie szatana. W czterech paragrafach omówione zostały następujące aspekty: pojawienie się szatana na świecie, jego cechy, wpływ na człowieka, związek szatana z istnieniem zła oraz problem utożsamiania szatana ze złem. Druga część zawiera natomiast poglądy pisarza zestawione z nauką Kościoła Katolickiego zawartą w nauczaniu Papieży, dokumentach wydanych przez sobory, a także w pracy współczesnych teologów.




The first part of this paper presents the views of Coelho about Satan, briefly describing the following aspects: Satan’s appearance in the world, his character qualities, his influence on human beings, and the connection between Satan and evil as well as the problem of identifying Satan with evil. The second half compares Coelho’s beliefs with the teaching of the Catholic Church as represented in Papal teaching, Vatican council documents, and the work of contemporary theologians. The goal of contrasting and comparing these two positions is to establish their similiarities and differences. One clear difference is the terminology used. Coelho uses the words devil, Satan and demon nterchangeably, but Catholic theology recognizes a difference between them. Another difference has to do with theories of the origin of Satan. Coelho assumes an eternal division of good and evil, while the Catholic church unequivocally opposes the concept of dualism. In considering the way Satan works, Coelho speaks of chaos and chance, but Catholic theologians agree that Satan acts with forethought and deliberation. It is worth mentioning that Coelho encourages intimacies with Satan, communication with him, asking for his guidance and help, though the Bible and the Church Fathers, as well as contempory theologians all warn against entering into any kind of relationship with him. Similarities however relate to the certainty of the existance of Satan, as well as the reality of his presence on earth. Other similarities can be found in the way Satan is presented and in emonstrating how he works in people and the world. It is important to mention that Coelho agrees with Catholic theologians, that the power of Satan is not unlimited and that human beings may be freed from satanic influence.

Autor: Natalia Teodorowicz
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26.03.2012, godz. 00:01 - Natalia Haniewska