

Dorota Kornas-Biela – dr psychologii, doktor habilitowany pedagogiki, profesor KUL, Kierownik Katedry Psychopedagogiki Instytutu Pedagogiki Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II; autorka książek: „Wokół początku życia ludzkiego” (III wyd. 2004), „Psychologiczne problemy poradnictwa genetycznego i diagnostyki prenatalnej” (1996), „Pedagogika Prenatalna. Nowy obszar nauk o wychowaniu” (2009); „Świadek Prawdy. Włodzimierz Fijałkowski” (2013), autorka 2 opracowań zwartych „Rozwój psychofizyczny dziecka przed narodzeniem” (1988,1991,1993) i „Jak powstałem” (1998), redaktorka 8 książek, autorka około 250 artykułów i rozdziałów naukowych oraz ponad 200 artykułów popularno-naukowych, licznych ekspertyz i recenzji; czynna uczestniczka ponad 200 kongresów i sympozjów, wielu konferencji prasowych, ponad 100 audycji radiowych i telewizyjnych; stypendystka Fundacji Fulbrighta w Cambridge i Bostonie (Harvard Divinity School i Population Sciences Dept., Harvard School of Public Health) oraz programu Socrates/Erasmus, inicjatorka i prowadząca Sekcję Psychologii Prenatalnej Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego oraz Międzywydziałowe Studium Rodziny w KUL; rzeczoznawca MEN, członkini towarzystw naukowych i Krajowej Rady ds. Duszpasterstwa Kobiet, upowszechniająca wiedzę z zakresu psychologii prenatalnej i prokreacji, pedagogiki prenatalnej, pedagogiki rodziny i zdrowia w wielu ośrodkach w Polsce; nagrodzona Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi za wybitną działalność na rzecz rozwoju rodziny (2010), Medalem Komisji Edukacji Narodowej (2011), Złotym Medalem za Długoletnią Służbę (2012).


Dorota Kornas-Biela, professor at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.


Nationality: polish


University address: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, ul. Aleje Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

Email: dorota@biela.pl

University phone (recruitment): +48 81 454 53 40.


Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Russian




  • MA and Ph.D. in psychology, Faculty of Christian Philosophy, Catholic University of Lublin (KUL).
  • D. in psychology, thesis: “The development of moral conscience in blind and sighted children in school age”.
  • 2011, habilitation in education (for position as professor), thesis: “Prenatal pedagogy/education”)




  • Now: Chairman of The Department of Psychopedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy, KUL
  • Former: the teacher at three Depts.: Psychology, Education and Family Sciences at KUL and Medical Academy, Lublin.


  • (2005). Individual award for socio-organizational activities, given by the Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin.
  • (2010). Gold Cross of Merit (Decision of the President of Poland 04.03.2010). (2011). Medal of the National Education Commission.
  • (2011). Individual award of the Rector KUL.
  • (2011). Appointment as a member of the prestige Committee of Honors of the 30th anniversary celebrations of L”ARCHE in Poland.
  • (2012). Gold Medal for Long Service (Decision of the President of Poland, 21.06.2012).


Teaching experiences (some)


  • Special education
  • Minimal brain damage children
  • Partial neurological deficits
  • Learning disabilities
  • Psychology of blind people
  • Psychology of disability
  • Professional help for family in the risk of disability
  • Reproductive psychology
  • Prenatal psychology and prenatal education
  • Prenatal determinants of child’ development disorders
  • Risks and failures of human procreation
  • Sex education and preparing for family life




  • (1984-2000) Head of Prenatal Psychology Section, Polish Psychological Assoc.;
  • (1990/1991) visiting scholar of Fulbright Foundation at Population Sciences Dept. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, USA.
  • (1994-2002) Head of Postgraduate Family Studies Program at KUL for teachers (specialization: sex education).
  • (1994) Delegate of Polish NGOs at UN International Conference “Population and Development” in Cairo.
  • Consultant for Ministry of Education regarding health, sex and family education programs for schools.
  • Expert and assessor of legal acts and educational materials for The Parliament and Ministry of Education.
  • Former: the member of Institute of Pregnancy Loss and Child Abuse Research & Recovery, Canada; member of Advisory Board Human Life International.-Europa.
  • Member of Advisory Board Tato.Net Initiative.
  • Organiser of many conferences and workshops.


Author of books in polish language


  • 1988 - The psychophysical development of the unborn child.
  • 1993 - 2002 (revised) About The Beginning of Human Life.
  • 1996 - Psychological Problems of Genetic Counselling and Prenatal Diagnosis.
  • 1998 - How I was Born.
  • 2009 - Prenatal Pedagogy and Education.
  • 2013 – Witness of the Truth. Włodzimierz Fijałkowski.


Author of


  • 16 chapters in foreign languages
  • over 160 chapters in polish
  • 7 scientific articles in foreign languages
  • over 60 scientific articles in polish
  • over 200 articles popularizing science.


Editor of books in polish language


  • 1988 - The Disabled Person in The Society
  • 1999 - Faces of Motherhood
  • 2000 - Family: Source of Life and School of Love.
  • 2001 - Faces of Childhood.
  • 2001 - Faces of Fatherhood.
  • 2007 - 2009 (revised) Fatherhood – it’s time for a new approach.
  • 2014 - Fatherhood Today.


Co-author of: 1992 - Selected Papers on Reproductive Psychology.


Editor (or coeditor) of volume nr 3, “Roczniki Pedagogiczne” (“Annals of Education”) published at KUL (2013, 2014, 2015).


Work at scientific journals

  • Member of the editorial board of scientific journal: Health Psychology Report. Termedia Publishing House, ISNN 2353-4184.
  • Editor of scientific journal Roczniki Pedagogiczne (the issue no. 3), published at Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
  • Journal's Reviewer, eg.: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu, Horyzonty Psychologii, Psychologia Rozwojowa, Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie.


Professional societies

  • Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne. Oddział Lubelski.
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Pedagogiczne. Oddział Lubelski.
  • Zespół Pedagogiki Chrześcijańskiej przy Komitecie Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN.
  • Towarzystwo Naukowe Fides et Ratio.



Grants for staying abroad


  • (1979.08.-1979.09). Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, visiting scholar.
  • (1991.04.-1992.01). Fulbright grant nr 14025, Visiting scholar w: Department of Population Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston and Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge. Project: „Attitudes Towards Reproduction and Health Services: A Cross Cultural Study”.
  • (1992.01.-1992.02). Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • (2006.23-28). Socrates/Erasmus: Pedagogická Fakulta, Katolícka Univerzita v Ružomberku, Slovakia.
  • (2007.04.15-20). Socrates/Erasmus: Pedagogická Fakulta, Katolícka Univerzita v Ružomberku,
  • (2008.04.21-26). Socrates/Erasmus: Pedagogická Fakulta, Katolícka Univerzita v Ružomberku,
  • (2013.04.22-26). Socrates/Erasmus: International Week at Jylppy Campus. Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Social and Health Care, Campus Jylppy, Kotka, Finland.
  • (2015.05.03-08). Socrates/Erasmus: Deusto University, Bilbao, Spain.


International grants


  • (2012-2014). Prenatálna vzťahová väzba v dimenzionálnej perspektíve. Temat grantu: Integrálna psychologická antropológia:  obraz o človeku a vzťahová väzba v dimenzionálnej perspektíve. Nr grantu:  1/0250/12, chairman: Eva Naništová.
  • (2013). +APL More flexible VET systems based on the assessment of prior learning. Transfer of Innovation Leonardo da Vinci. Project, No: 2012-1-PL1-LEO05-27424.
  • (2013). KODE-NQF. Recognition and validation of non-formal and informal competencies in the context of National Qualification Frameworks Transfer of Innovation Leonardo da Vinci. Project, No: DE/11/LLP-LdV/TOl/147 413/2011-1-DE2-LEO05-08019.


International cooperation


  • (1987-1990). School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, with C. Boyd on “Mother – Daughter Identification: A Cross Cultural Investigation of Polish-American Mothers and Their Daughters”. One article was published.
  • (1994-1999). Department of Child Development, West Virginia University, USA, with prof. W. Franz on “Cross cultural study of ego identity development”. One month staying at WVU: 0.7. 1997.
  • (1996-1997). National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing. Project Rachel, Vicky Thorn, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Participation at the conferences: „Healing Vision X” nt. “Hope for the future: The resolution of abortion’s aftermath”, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA, 22-24.6.1996 and „Healing Vision XI”, 21-23.06.1997.
  • (1997). International Institute of Pregnancy Loss and Child Abuse Research & Recovery, prof. Philip Ney, Colwood Corners, Victoria, Canada.
  • (2004-2006).„Los stato della ricerca in Pedagogia Speciale in Europa” with prof. Lascioli Angelo, prof. Larocca Franco, Cattedra di Pedagogia Speciale, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ Educazione, Universita Degli Studi di Verona. Participation at Conference in Verona (2006) and published chapter in book (CD).


Occasional lecturing abroad


  • (1983.12.13). “Early Intervention in Poland”, Early Intervention Seminar, Center on Human Development, Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Eugene, Oregon, USA.
  • (1989.09.08). „Psychological research in genetic counseling in Poland“ (Genetische Beratungstelle), Institut für Anthropologie und Humangenetik der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg.
  • (1991.12.11). “Women’s personal and professional lives in the midst of rapid social, economic, and political changes in Poland”. Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, USA.
  • (1992.01.29). “Self-image and sense of social support of pregnant women in Poland”. Connecticut College, New London, USA.
  • (1992.02.18). “Psychological functioning of genetic risk parents”. Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon, USA.
  • (1992.02.21). “New tendencies in attitudes towards reproduction in Poland”. Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, USA.
  • (1992.02.26). “Psychological aspects of genetic counseling: Differences in Experiences of Mothers and Fathers”. Brandeis University, MA, USA.
  • (1992.04.28). Women in Polish society. Regis College, MA, USA.
  • (1994.04.27-29). Lectures on „Postabortion syndrom”, Foundation “Za Gidnist Liudini” i Katedra Społecznych Problemów Macierzyństwa, Państwowy Instytut Edukacji Medycznej, Kijów, Ukrainne (10 hours).
  • (1997.06). Delegate from Poland: National Right to Life Convention, Chicago, USA.
  • (1997.07). One month at Loyola Catholic University, Chicago, USA (searching in library for literature on early human development).
  • (2005.06). “Prenatal and reproductive psychology”. Gródek Podolski, Ukraine (20 hours)


Papers at the international conferences abroad (in English or Russian):


  • (1985). Pain and power between handicapped and nonhandicapped people. Workshop: European Conference: Pain and Power in Pastoral Care and Counselling. Turku, Finland, 31.07.-07.08.1985.
  • (1986). Prenatal Psychology: Research and Practice in Lublin. VIII International Congress of the International Society for Prenatal Psychology and Medicine, Bad Gastein, Austria, 21-28.09.1986.
  • (1988). Psychosocial aspects of genetic counseling in cystic fibrosis families. First European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetic Counseling. Groningen, 08-10.11.1988.
  • (1988). The origin and changeability of moral norms in the consciousness of blind children and children with sight. Poster: Third European Conference on Developmental Psychology”. Budapest, 15-19.06.1988.
  • (1989). Some techniques helping the parents to cope with problems in pregnancy. Symposium The chance of life. New vision for pregnancy, birth and early life. Amsterdam, 01-04.06.1989.
  • (1989). Attitudes of parents with high genetic risk towards prenatal diagnosis and abortion. 9th International Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Women’s Health in the 1990’s, Amsterdam, Holland, 28-31.05.1989.
  • (1989). Parents’ adaptation to cystic fibrosis. The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis, Prague, 06-09.06.1989.
  • (1989). Psychosocial aspects of prenatal diagnosis in cystic fibrosis families. The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis, Prague, 06-09.06.1989.
  • (1989). Coping strategies in CF families. Poster: The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis, Prague, 06-09.06.1989.
  • (1992). Psychomotor development of the unborn child. International Congress Family, Life, Health, Kaunas, 01-03.10.1992. Wykład zamawiany.
  • (1996). Abortion in Poland. Conference: Healing Vision X: Hope for the future: The resolution of abortion’s aftermath, The National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA, 22-24.6.1996 (representing Poland). Wykład zamawiany.
  • (2000). Methodological status of prenatal psychology. XIII International Congress of International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Prenatal Psychology: Methodology in Research, Cagliari, Sardynia, 22-24.06.2000.
  • (2004). Family in the context of prenatal education. II European Symposium of University Professors Family in Europe. Foundation – Experiences – Perspectives. Lateran University, Rzym, 24-27.06.2004.
  • (2005). Work and protection of human life at the prenatal stage. III European Symposium of University Professors Ora et labora, Lateran University, Roma, 30.06.-3.07.2005.
  • (2006). Reproductive Health: old and new paradigm. Międzynarodowa konferencja nt. „Prawa reprodukcyjne – fakty, nie ideologia!”, „Aid for Women’s Health, which agenda is best? Reproductive rights – Evidence over ideology”, organizer: UEN Group, Care for Europe, Matercare and New Women for Europe, Brussels, European Parliament, 8.03.2006. Wykład zamawiany.
  • (2006). Negative prenatal diagnosis: a drama for parents and challenge for professionals. Poster: International Symposium of Special Pedagogy: „State of the Art in practical Work, Research and Education”. University of Verona, 5-7.05.2006 (10 slajdów prezentacji multimedialnej).
  • (2006). New trends in special education of the at risk children and special educators’ training. Plenary paper. International Symposium of Special Pedagogy: State of the Art in practical Work, Research and Education. University of Verona, 5-7.05.2006 (z: E. Domagałą-Zyśk E., B. Sidor).
  • (2006). The dimensions of social corporate responsibility. IV European Symposium of University Professors The firm and the fulfillment of a new humanism, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, 22-25.06.2006 (z: A. Bielą).
  • (2007). Risk and challenge of greater availability of services related to prenatal diagnosis. Poster: Międzynarodowy Kongres Comunicazione e Ralazionalita’ in Medicina: Nuove prospettive per l’agire medico organizowany przez Associazione “MDC – Medicina Dialogo Comunione” i Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Roma, 16-17.02.2007.
  • (2013). Reciprocity and the gift of self between parents and their prenatal child. 3 rd International Congress Psicologia e Comunione “Prospects for research and treatment in psychology: prospettive di ricerca e d'intervento in psicologia: identity, reciprocity and gift of self identità, reciprocità e dono”. Castel Gandolfo, Centro Mariapoli Internazionale, 4-6.05.2012.
  • (2013). The development of prenatal psychology in Poland, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, 23-27.09.2012.
  • (2013). Future challenges of social care in Poland. International Week at Jylppy campus. Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Social and Health Care, Campus Jylppy, Kotka, Finland, 22.04.-26.04.2013.
  • (2013). Prenatal diagnostics as an educational challenge: How to present the information on prenatal diagnosis in conditions which are emotionally difficult. International Week at Jylppy Campus. Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Social and Health Care, Campus Jylppy, Kotka, Finland, 22.04.-26.04.2013.
  • (2013). Жизнь до рождения: медико-социальные проблемы. XIX Международныe Кирилло-Мефодиевскиe Чтения „Жизнь человека – дар Божий. Биоэтические проблемы современности в свете христианского вероучения” Государственное учреждение образования «Институт Теологии Имени Святых Мефодия И Кирилла» БгУ, Минск, 22-24.05.2013. (wykład: 22.05.2013.)
  • (2013). Udział: Krugłyj stoł: Żizn w sistemie moralnych impieratiwow cowremiennosti” nt. Współczesne zagrożenia i wyzwania dla życia rodzinny chrześcijańskiej” 23.05.2013.). XIX Международныe Кирилло-Мефодиевскиe Чтения „Жизнь человека – дар Божий. Биоэтические проблемы современности в свете христианского вероучения” Государственное учреждение образования «Институт Теологии Имени Святых Мефодия И Кирилла» БгУ, Минск, 22-24.05.2013.
  • (2014). Psicologico aspetto del progetto Alegria de Vivir in Ecuador. Konferencja z okazji rocznicy Fundazione Italiana (Pisa) „Gioia di Vivere dei Bambini in Ecuador” nt. Psicologico e sociale aspetto del progetto Alegria de Vivir in Ecuador, Pisa, 20.09.2014, lecture in English.
  • (2014). Activation of Older People as the Form of Counteraction the Social Exclusion. The International Conference on “Social Exclusion and Social Participation in Contemporary Europe”, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, 21.11.2014. (Kornas-Biela D., Lendzion A., Świdrak E., K. Uzar-Szcześniak).
  • (2014). Forms of support for people with disabilities and their families preventing social exclusion. The International Conference on “Social Exclusion and Social Participation in Contemporary Europe”, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, 21.11.2014. (Kornas-Biela D., Domagała-Zyśk E., Smołka E.)



Areas of interest and activity: prenatal psychology, reproductive psychology, prenatal education, family studies (family in difficult situations, eg. unfavorable prenatal diagnosis, perinatal hospice, child’s death), special education and psychological aspects of the disability, psychopedagogical aspects of carrier guidance and vocational training for the people with disability.  



Autor: Jan Dzionek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 18.01.2017, godz. 13:41 - Ewelina Świdrak