Basic information:

Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics           

mail: ewasik[at] 



 Research interests:


As a researcher I am interested in pretty much anything that has to do with the spoken language, but my primary interest has always been in the issues related to native-like fluency and lexical selection with special focus on the role of conventionalised pairings of meaning and form in language processing and production in highly proficient L2 learners. In the last couple of years I have focused on investigating a variety of aspects of formulaic sequences in learner language including learner perception of formulaic sequences in text, the relationship between temporal fluency and the use of formulaic language in L2 speech, selected phonetic aspects of formulaic sequences in L1/L2 and the accuracy of learner formulas.

      As a teacher and FL teacher trainer, over the years I have come to appreciate the role the actual language used by the teacher plays in the classroom; hence, my interest in classroom discourse and the way it shapes classroom interaction and the learning process. I have also recently become interested in the notion of learner engagement (short- and long-term) and the role of learner/teacher imagination in the language learning/teaching in early FL instruction.


Main research areas:

  • second language acquisition
  • L2 speech production and processing
  • formulaic language in (non)native speech
  • measures of L2 proficiency/performance
  • academic literacy at the tertiary level
  • early foreign language instruction
  • classroom discourse 

Current research projects:

  • the relationship between formulaic language and productive fluency in L1/L2 speech
  • (dys)fluency patterns in L1 and L2 speech
  • processing of learner formulaic sequences (evidence from learner errors)
  • establishing measures of learner engagement in early FL instruction
  • measuring L2 proficiency at the advanced level 

Courses taught in 2015/16:

  • MA Seminar in Applied Linguistics
  • PNJA Speaking
  • Introduction to Second Language Acquisition (lecture)
  • English Language Teaching Methodology (secondary level)


Recent publications:


Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska, Ewa Guz, Piotr Steinbrich and Radosław Święcinski (eds.) Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. Studies in Linguistics and Methodology 6, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.


Guz, E. (2014) “Formulaic sequences as fluency devices in the oral production of native speakers of Polish.” Research in Language 12 (2), 113-129.


Guz, E. (2014) “Phonetic/phonological indicators of the formulaic status: a study of L2 speech of Polish advanced learners of English.” In Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska, Ewa Guz, Piotr Steinbrich and Radosław Święcinski (eds.) Recent Developments in Applied Phonetics. Studies in Linguistics and Methodology 6, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. 115-139.


Guz, E. (2014) “Gauging advanced learners’ language awareness: some remarks on the perceptual salience of formulaic sequences.” In Andrzej Łyda and Konrad Szcześniak (eds.) Awareness in Action. Springer. 165-181. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00461-7_11.


Guz, E. (2014) “Achieving the academic effect: lexical creativity in learners’ academic writing at the undergraduate level.” In Halina Chodkiewicz and Magdalena Trepczyńska (eds.) Language Skills: Traditions, Transitions and Ways Forward, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 322-342.


Guz, E., Steinbrich P. (2014) “Managing collaborative speaking tasks: pedagogic and naturalistic discourse in trainees’ instructional talk.” In Halina Chodkiewicz and Magdalena Trepczyńska (eds.) Language Skills: Traditions, Transitions and Ways Forward, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 95-118.




Steinbrich, P. and Guz, E. (2013) “And now think in pairs - the case of prominence in teacher instructions at the pre-service level.” In Piątkowska, Katarzyna; Kościałkowska-Okońska, Ewa (eds.) Correspondences and Contrasts in Foreign Language Pedagogy and Translation Studies, Springer, 127-141.


Guz, E., Tetiurka, M. (2013) “The role of teacher imagination in conceptualising the child as a second language learner.” Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 3 (3), 419-439.


Dr Ewa Guz

Podstawowe informacje:

Adiunkt w Katedrze Językoznawstwa Stosowanego

adres e-mail:

rozkład zajęć


Zainteresowania badawcze:

  • akwizycja i nauka języków obcych
  • produkcja i przetwarzanie mowy w języku obcym
  • formuliczność w języku mówionym (J1, J2)
  • miary biegłości językowej w J2
  • piśmiennictwo akademickie na poziomie uniwersyteckim
  • nauczanie języków obcych na poziomie podstawowym
  • dyskurs klasowy 

 Aktualne projekty badawcze:

  • formuliczność, a czasowe aspekty płynności w języku mówionym w J1 i J2
  • przetwarzanie jednostek frazeologicznych w mowie w języku obcym
  • pomiar zaangażowania ucznia podczas lekcji języka obcego na etapie wczesnoszkolnym
  • miary biegłości językowej na poziomie zaawansowanym 

Kursy prowadzone w roku akademickim 2015/16:

  • seminarium magisterskie ‘Językoznawstwo Stosowane’
  • wstęp do akwizycji języków obcych (wykład)
  • PNJA konwersacje
  • dydaktyka nauczania języka angielskiego na III i IV etapie edukacyjnym



Autor: Monika Gozdór
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 10.12.2015, godz. 09:14 - Aleksander Bednarski