Inter-Faculty Institute for the History of Culture
- founded in 1965. Headed in succession by Rev Prof Marian Rechowicz, Rev Prof Marian Kurdziałek and, to date, Rev Prof Stanisław Wielgus. In the faculty were: Dr Maria Szafarkiewicz (1965-1992), Rev Stanisław Wielgus, Dr Joanna Judycka (1977-1993), Dr Małgorzata Kawecka (1986-1989) and, to date, Dr Wanda Bajor and Rev Piotr Smoliński. The direction of the research was set by Rev Kurdziałek and Rev Prof Wielgus. Since the study of medieval philosophy was in its early stages at KUL in the 1950s, a project was conceived by Prof S. Swieżawski and M. Kurdziałek to undertake the edition and publication of a wide range of manuscripts, significant to Polish culture, dating back to the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance which came into being or were popular at Academia Cracoviensis. The 15th century was a time of rapid intellectual growth of Polish culture in general and Academia Cracoviensis in particular. As a result of the assumption that demonstrating the originality of Polish scholars' thought will only be possible after the study and publication of sources and research into manuscripts concerning philosophy, philosophy of nature and theology, law and medieval medicine.

The work of the department

is focused mainly on medieval handwritten texts concerning philosophy, theology, law and science. The main objective of the research is to prepare the edition of the above and conduct analysis reflecting the development of science in medieval Poland. Hence the department provides Polish scholarship with sources of Polish culture, unpublished and hitherto hidden in often decaying medieval manuscripts. The manuscripts under study come from Polish and foreign libraries. The skilled personnel, though few in number, are engaged in a wide range of activities, coordinating the work of medievalists from the whole university and other circles from Poland and abroad. The forms of those activities are: preparing critical editions and publishing them, organising presentations of papers, international conferences, discussion groups, and conducting specialised courses. The department is also involved in coordinating and supervising the research of young Polish medievalists from the KUL circle. The Interdisciplinary Department of History of Medieval Culture publishes the results of its studies in its own series ACTA MEDIAEVALIA, circulated internationally.

The study and critical editions of medieval texts

require great effort and skill specialised knowledge of medieval Latin, paleography, the specialised study of manuscripts, as well as history of philosophy, science and medieval culture. The research is indispensable for the study of history of philosophy and other branches of the arts and science practised in the Middle Ages. Most popular among historians are critical editions prepared and published in the department, all the more so as qualified specialists in editing medieval texts are scarce in Europe and elsewhere.

The Interdisciplinary Department of History of Medieval Culture

comprises a team of young scholars, whose work draws the interest of medievalists around the world, which may in the near future give rise to establishing a centre for specialised medieval studies that would be renowned outside of Poland. The recognition of the 'Lublin editorial school" - as it had already come to be called - was confirmed in 1987 by granting the Tomasso dalla Commissione Leonina and Commissione del Cusano award to the critical edition of Quaestiones disputatae super octo libros 'Physicorum' Aristotelis cum glossis Ioannis Isneri prepared by Dr Lucyna Nowak under the supervision of Prof Stanisław Wielgus and regarding it as a model edition in medieval studies.
The Interdisciplinary Department of History of Medieval Culture, founded in 1965, was meant to be a place of collaboration of medievalists working on various aspects of medieval science and letters. The main objective is preparing critical editions of handwritten medieval commentaries concerning philosophy, theology, law and science. The selection of material corresponds with the research programme of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN (Polish Academy of Science). Moreover, the department conducts research on medieval commentaries on the Bible from the 15th century. The faculty have embarked upon joint work with Polish and foreign institutes, most of all the Istitute of History Science Education and Technology PAN, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAN, Federation Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes Medievales, Martin Grabman Institut der Universitat Munchen, and Aristoteles Latinus of Catholic Universitet in Leuven.
Those involved in the research projects of the department included the following eminent Polish medievalists: Prof M. Rechowicz, Prof S. Swieżawski, Prof J. Kłoczowski, Prof B. Kumor, Prof M. Kurdziałek, Prof M. Plezia, Prof Z. Sułowski, Prof M. Gogacz, Prof W. Senko, Prof A. Szafranski, Prof Z. Włodek, Prof J. Zathey, Prof M. Markowski, Prof S. Wielgus.

The objects of particular research interest in the department

were and are the works of medieval Polish and European authors such as: Jan Elgot, Jan D1brówka, Benedykt Hesse, Stanisław of Zawada, Jan Isner, Stanisław of Skarbimierz, Jan Kanty, Maciej of Labiszyn, Henry of Hessen, Nicholas of Dinkenbuhl, Konrad of Soltau, Johannes Dambach, Marsilius of Inghen, Albert of Saxony, Laurentius Londorius and others.
In recent years research has been focused upon commentaries on Aristotle's:

Physics, On the Soul, Categories. The most recently published works in this domain include the following:

  1. Małgorzata Kawecka, Quaestiones super octo libros "Physicorum" Aristotelis secundum Andream de Korzynio. (editio crtica) Acta Mediaevalia VII , 1992, 240 pages.
  2. Lucyna Nowak, Quaestiones disputatae super octo libros "Physicorum" Aristotelis cum glossis Ioannis Isneri. (editio critica), ACTA MEDIAEVALIA IX , 1994, 284 pages.
  3. Hanna Wojtczak, Quaestiones de quantitate et qualitate ex Benedykti Hesse commento super "Praedicamenta" Aristotelis cum quaestionibus et additionibus eius successorum. (editio critica), ACTA MEDIAEVALIA X, 1997 , 1997, 234 pages.


The publication of a commentary on Aristotle's Physics - Disputationes "Phydsicorum" secundum Ioannem Buridanum quae olim magistro Serpenti attribuantur. The above works are published in the department's own series ACTA MEDIAEVALIA. It is a work of international acclaim, published in Latin, French, German and English, of great interest among specialists.


1. Continuing work on a critical edition of De consolatione theologiae by Johannes de Tambaco. The results of the research, up to that time, on consolation literature of the 15th and the 16th century and the work of Johannes Dambach have been presented at the International Congress of Medieval Philosophy in Erfurt (August 1997). From 3 to 2 June 1999 the author of the upcoming edition - Piotr Smolinski- took part in the International Coloqium organised by CNRS and the Singer Polignac Foudation in Paris. The coloqium was devoted to the life and work of Boethius and the Boethian tradition in the Middle Ages. P. Smolinski gave a lecture entitled: La conception du bonheur dans les "Consolationes" de Boece et dans les "Consolationes" de Jean de Tambaco. The proceedings of the congress will be published by the organisers.

2. Further work has been undertaken on a critical edition of Benedykt Hesse's commentary on Aristotle's De anima. At present, since the preparation of the 1st print of the above volume, there is being prepared the 2nd and the 3rd volume of the work.