S u m m a r y


The basic problem regarding air quality in Poland are currently exceedances of permissible limits of particulates matter PM10 and PM2.5 and exceedances of final limit of benzo(a)pyrene deriving primarily from air pollutant emissions stemming from exploitation of solid fuel combustion installations in residential buildings. Main directions of activities aiming at air protection within European Union law come down to forming of air quality protection scheme, products quality standards and emissions standards. Activities related with air protection at the European Union level are regulated by significant amount of differential European Union normative acts such as regulations, directives, implementation regulations. Currently, at the level of Polish law, the possibility of reducing of air pollutant emissions stemming from exploitation
of solid fuel combustion installations in residential buildings follows from Article 96 of Environmental protection law. A voivodeship sejmik (regional assembly) may pass, on the grounds of the above regulation, so called ‘anti-smog resolution’, in the content of which it is possible to define restrictions and bans regarding exploitation of installations where fuels are burned. Considering currently binding Polish legislation, it may be noticed that there is a lack of generally applicable on the whole Polish territory regulations defining these pollutant emissions limits. Therefore, normative amendments in this range are necessary. Elaborated already normative amendments drafts within national law are unquestionably along the right lines. However, these
activities are undoubtedly mainly much too late and they seem to be insufficient. The amendments have to be more far-reaching in nature than it is currently proposed within elaborated already normative acts drafts.


Key words: air protection, emission, pollutions, installations, fuel combustion,
residential buildings

Autor: Zuzanna Gądzik
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 20.09.2018, godz. 16:40 - Zuzanna Gądzik