Staff of the Chair of Psychopedagogy:

Traditionally understood psychopedagogy is a scientific discipline that concentrates on searching the psychical processes connected with upbringing, education and formation. Close to educational and developmental psychology, it is a discipline that uses methods of psychology as a basic discipline and analyses educational situation from its own point of view. On the other hand it is considered a pedagogical discipline and using the methods characteristic for pedagogy, it possesses the characteristics of applied science. In its area many projects of pedagogical therapy, psycho-educational training, educational and self-educational programmes, etc. have been designed. The history of this chair is a long one and connected among others with work of Professor Stefan Kunowski, its chairperson for many years. Since the re-activation time of 1982 Tomasz Ożóg PhD was an organiser and many years' staff member of the Chair.


Scientific interests of the staff of Psychopedagogy

  • Psychology of character, values and valuing in psychology, psychology of a person, issues of self-education and self-formation (A. Lendzion)
  • Psychological and pedagogical problems of forgiving, altruism and the sense of life (A. Król)


The basis directions of research, performed continually, are research on psychological and pedagogical aspects of forgiving and problems of the character formation and the adolescents' ways of valuing. These directions of research are mirrored in the research subjects, among others: Personality correlates of the readiness to forgive  (A. Król), and Typological research on character, qualitative analysis experiences of educational and formative relationship (A. Lendzion). Future research plans of the staff members concentrate on searching the methodological status of psycho-pedagogy and researching the issue of psychological data and their functions in pedagogical theories.

The Chair of Psychopedagogy organised two scientific conferences:  Młodzież w polu widzenia nauk społecznych, (Adolescents in the field of research of Social Sciences), Lublin 1992 (in co-operation with Koło Naukowe Studentów Pedagogiki KUL (Students of Pedagogy KUL Scientific Circle) and Wychowanie chrześcijańskie a kultura, (Christian education and culture), Lublin 1999 (in co-operation with the Chair of General Pedagogy KUL).

The staff of the Chair of Psychopedagogy has been systematically taking part in all-Poland and international scientific conferences, among others in conferences of Polish Psychological Society and Polish Pedagogical Society. Didactic activity of the staff members is mainly connected with lecturing in Institute of Pedagogy KUL (lectures, tutorials and classes on psychology and statistics). Apart from that the staff members work for Institute of Family Sciences KUL, Post-graduate Studies of Pedagogical Preparation KUL and Post-graduate Studies on Pre-school Pedagogy and Primary School Pedagogy. They also design and lead different psychological workshops and training sessions.

Main achievements of the Chair of Psychopedagogy for the recent years have included several dozens of scientific papers and two books under the edition of our staff. They are:


  • Nauki społeczne o młodzieży (Social sciences about adolescents) (Lublin 1992),
  • Wychowanie chrześcijańskie a kultura (Christian education and culture) (Lublin 2000),
  • W trosce o integralne wychowanie (Caring about integral education and formation) (Lublin 2003).


Collegium Jana Pawła II (room 326)

Tel. 081 445 3326


(Tłumaczenie Ewa Domagała - Zyśk)