
Mariola Laguna, Ph.D.

Associate professor at the Institute of Psychology,
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland 



Institute of Psychology KUL
Al. Raclawickie 14
20-950 Lublin


Research Interests

Scientific Activity

Selected Publications and  Full list (with pdf links)

Research Programmes and Grants


Current Lectures and Seminars

Training Experience

Research Interests
· personality psychology

· social psychology

· psychology of entrepreneurship
· work and organizational psychology
· methodology, psychological assessment


Scientific Activity

- Editor-in-chief of Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology

- The member of the Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

- The members of the Executive Committee of the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS)

- Head of the Department of General Psychology, KUL Lublin

- Head of the Social Personality Psychology Lab

- Associate Editor of the Europe’s Journal of Psychology

- Ad hoc reviewer for: Journal of Business Venturing, Learning and Individual Differences, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Self and Identity, Psychological Reports, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Management and Organization, International Small Business Journal, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, Journal of Social Sciences, Polish Psychological Bulletin, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Online Journal of Education Research, Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration. Journal for Mental Changes, Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, Current Issues in Personality Psychology, Przegląd Psychologiczny, Studia Psychologiczne, Psychologia Społeczna, Psychologia Jakości Życia, Studia z Psychologii KUL, Polityki Europejskie Finanse i Marketing, Psychiatria Polska, Medycyna Pracy, Folia Psychologica.


Selected publications in English

       see also >> Full list of publications (and pdf links)

  • Perinelli, E., Alessandri, G., Donnellan, M. B., Łaguna, M. (2017, in press). State-trait decomposition of Name Letter Test scores and relationships with general self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

  • Laguna, M., Razmus, W., Żaliński, A. (2017, in press). Dynamic relationships between personal resources and work engagement in entrepreneurs. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, in press. doi: 10.1111/joop.12170
  • Laguna, M., Mielniczuk, E., Razmus, W., Moriano, J. A., Gorgievski, M. (2017, in press). Cross-cultural and gender invariance of the Warr (1990) job-related well-being measure. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. doi: 10.1111/joop.12166
  • Mielniczuk, E., Laguna, M. (2017, in press). Motivation and training initiation: Evidence from Poland. Journal of Workplace Learning, 29.
  • Laguna, M., Alessandri, G., Caprara G.V. (2016, in press). How do you feel about this goal? Goal-related affect, positive orientation, and personal goal realization in the family domain. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10902-016-9750-0
  • Laguna, M., Purc, E. (2016). Personality traits and training initiation process: Intention, planning, and action initiation. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1767. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01767
  • Laguna, M., Alessandri, G., Caprara, G.V. (2016). Personal goal realization in entrepreneurs: A multilevel analysis of the role of affect and positive orientation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 65(3), 587-604. doi: 10.1111/apps.12061
  • Alessandri, G., Vecchione, M., Eisenberg, N., Laguna, M. (2015). On the factor structure of the Rosenberg (1965) General Self-Esteem Scale. Psychological Assessment, 27, 621-35. doi: 10.1037/pas0000073.
  • Heikamp, T., Alessandri, G., Laguna, M., Petrovic, V., Caprara, M. G., Trommsdorff, G. (2014). Cross-cultural validation of the positivity-scale in five European countries. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 140-145.
  • Łaguna, M., Bąk, W., Purc, E., Mielniczuk, E., Oleś, P. (2014). Short measure of personality TIPI-P in a Polish sample. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 17(2), 421-437.

  • Cieciuch, J., Łaguna, M. (2014). The Big Five and beyond: Personality traits and their measurement. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 17(2), 237-245.
  • Laguna, M., Oleś, P. (2013). What is the structure of prosocial behavior: A comment on Richaud, Mesurado, and Cortada (2013). Psychological Reports: Mental & Physical Health, 113(2), 1-4.
  • Oleś, P. K., Alessandri, G.,  Oleś, M., Bak, W., Jankowski, T., Laguna, M., Caprara, G. V. (2013). Positive orientation and generalized self-efficacy. Studia Psychologica, 1(55), 47-59.
  • Laguna, M. (2013). Self-efficacy, self-esteem and the entrepreneurial process in the unemployed. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 253–262.
  • Moriano, J. A., Gorgievski, M., Laguna, M., Stephan, U., Zarafshani, K. (2012). A cross cultural approach to understanding entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Career Development, 39(2), 162-185.
  • Laguna, M., Wiechetek, M., Talik, W. (2012). The competencies of managers and their business success. Central European Business Review, 1(3), 7-13.
  • Talik, E., Laguna, M., Wawrzenczyk-Kulik, M., Talik, W., Wiacek, G., Vingoe, G., Huyghe, P. (2012). The Astra-Manager tool: A method of measuring competencies of micro firm's managers. Human Resource Management Research, 2, 9-14.
  • Laguna M., Wiechetek M., Talik W., Dhaenens Ch.  (2011). M-Astra. Competency assessment method for the managers of small to medium sized enterprises. Lublin: Innovatio Press.
  • Lukes, M., Laguna, M. (eds.) (2010). Entrepreneurship: A psychological approach. Prague: Oeconomica.
  • Laguna, M. (2010). Positive psychology inspirations for entrepreneurship research. In: M. Lukes, M. Laguna (eds.) Entrepreneurship: A psychological approach (pp. 73-88). Prague: Oeconomica.
  • Laguna, M. (2008). Positive psychological capital and process of business start-up. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 3-4, 390-391.
  • Laguna, M., Wawrzenczyk-Kulik, M., Talik, E., Talik, W.,  Huyghe, P., Wiacek, G., Vingoe, G., Tarkowski, K. (2006). Competences of starter entrepreneurs´ and the measurement method "ASTRA - STARTER". Perspectives on Economic, Political and Social Integration. Journal of Mental Changes, 7, 9-31.
  • Gorgievski, M., Laguna, M. (2008). More than money: Gain and loss spirals in entrepreneurship. In: J. A. Moriano Leon, M. Gorgievski, M. Lukes (eds.), Teaching psychology of entrepreneurship. Perspectives from six European countries (pp. 159-177). Madrid: UNED.
  • Laguna, M. (2007). Entrepreneurship and perceived social support in the unemployed. In: A. Bokszczanin (ed.), Social change in solidarity: Community psychology perspectives and approaches (pp. 165-176). Opole: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
  • Laguna, M. (2007). Positive psychological capital and entrepreneurship. In: J. A. Moriano Leon, M. Gorgievski (eds.), Psychology of entrepreneurship: Research and education (pp. 135-141). Madrid: UNED.
  • Lachowska, B., Laguna, M. (eds.) (2002). Draw-a-Family Test in psychological research. Lublin: TN KUL.


Scientific Activity

- Editor-in-chief of Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology

- The member of the Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

- The members of the Executive Committee of the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS)

- Head of the Department of General Psychology, KUL Lublin

- Head of the Social Personality Psychology Lab

- Associate Editor of the Europe’s Journal of Psychology

- Ad hoc reviewer for: Journal of Business Venturing, Learning and Individual Differences, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Self and Identity, Psychological Reports, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Management and Organization, International Small Business Journal, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion, Journal of Social Sciences, Polish Psychological Bulletin, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Online Journal of Education Research, Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration. Journal for Mental Changes, Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, Current Issues in Personality Psychology, Przegląd Psychologiczny, Studia Psychologiczne, Psychologia Społeczna, Psychologia Jakości Życia, Studia z Psychologii KUL, Polityki Europejskie Finanse i Marketing, Psychiatria Polska, Medycyna Pracy, Folia Psychologica.


Research Programmes and Grants
· Research project funded by the National Science Centre / Narodowe Centrum Nauki: Multilevel analysis of entrepreneurial success

· Research project funded by the Polish government: Personal and organizational characteristics related to training motivation

· Research project funded by the Polish government: Success in undertaking entrepreneurial activity by the unemployed and their beliefs
· Research project: Psychological determinants of training effectiveness
· Coordination of the international projects "Astra" and "M-Astra", Leonardo da Vinci programme, preparation of European electronic methods of assessment of entrepreneurs and managers competencies



2011 award of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

2011 award of the Rector of Catholic University of Lublin

2011 medal of the Komisja Edukacji Narodowej

2009 team award of the Rector of Catholic University of Lublin

2008 award of the Rector of Catholic University of Lublin

2003 team award of the Rector of Catholic University of Lublin


Current Lectures and Seminars
Positive psychology (lecture in English)
Psychometrics (lecture)
Psychology of training and development (lecture)
Social personality psychology (seminar)

Work and organizational psychology (seminar)


Training Experience
· International Certificate in Training and Development of the Chartered Institute of Personel and Development, UK.
· Cooperation with OIC Poland Foundation, Lublin Business School - trainer and consultant.
· Trainer and lecturer in managerial postgraduate programmes, e.g. Master of Business Administration, Certificate in Management, Quality Management, Entrepreneurship.
· Designer and trainer of many programmes for small and medium size businesses developing communication, assertiveness, negotiations, managerial competence, personnel motivation and assessment, stress management.


Autor: Mariola Łaguna
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26.01.2017, godz. 10:44 - Mariola Łaguna