1. 1. The procedure for reviewing articles is consistent with the review principles included in the Announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 29 May 2013 and 2 June 2015 on the criteria and procedure for evaluation of scholarly journals.
  2. Submitting a paper for publication in the journal, authors agree to the review process.
  3. Submitted publications are evaluated first by the editors.
  4. Then the publications are reviewed by two reliable reviewers with at least a doctoral degree.
  5. The submitted papers will not be sent to the reviewers from the same institution the author comes and to those who may be in conflict of interest with the author.
  6. The papers undergo a double-blind review process.
  7. An editorial number is assigned to the paper so that the work can be identified at further stages of the publishing process.
  8. The reviewers are not allowed to use any information about the paper before its publication.
  9. The reviewer sends the review in an electronic form to the email address of the editorial office and in paper with a handwritten signature. The email address is provided in the review form. The review is stored in the editorial office for a period of five years.
  10. The written review contains a clear conclusion of the reviewer explaining the reasons for the admission of a scholarly article for publication or its rejection.
  11. The final decision on whether or not to accept the paper for publishing is made by the editor-in-chief on the basis of the analysis of the comments included in the review and the final version of the article provided by the author.
  12. Once a year the editors publish online the updated list of the reviewers with whom they cooperate.

Review form