The Institute of German Studies conducts academic research and offers high quality teaching in four main fields of study: Literary Studies, Culture Studies, Linguistics and Glottodidactics.

All classes are conducted in German, which results in our students’ excellent – near-native - command of the German language, as well as a broad knowledge of the culture, history and literature of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Our expert staff includes both qualified Polish teachers and native German speakers.

In the academic year 2007/08 studies were divided into two stages:

- A three-year B.A. programme (Stage I)
- A two-year M.A. programme (Stage II)

Our students can specialise in Teaching German as a Foreign Language – which enables them to teach German in schools – and/or in Translation.

The Institute of German Studies at the Catholic University of Lublin is the only German Studies department in Poland offering a study programme for the visually impaired, in line with the unique project entitled “German Studies for the Visually Impaired”.

During their studies our students can apply for one-term financial grants for studies at foreign universities, which allow them to take part in various courses at our partner universities in the German–speaking countries (in Berlin and Fribourg among others). They can also participate in the international programmes of Erasmus and Comenius.

Students can also apply for the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) scholarships, comprising holiday language courses and one-term courses at German universities.

A great advantage of studying at the Institute of German Studies at KUL is the small number of students in a year, which results in small reading groups. This enables each individual student to take active participation in all classes, prevents anonymity and encourages friendships among students both in a given year and in the whole Institute.