Justyna Szulich-Kałuża, Hab. PhD, associate professor

Fields of interests: image of the family in mass media, methods of studying media messages (textual and visual), the use of qualitative research orientation in studies in the field of journalism and social communication.

Current research:

International cooperation:

E-mail: justyna.szulich-kaluza@kul.pl, juszka@kul.pl


Małgorzata Gruchoła, Hab. PhD, associate professor

Fields of interests: visual communication in new media and information and communication technologies; stages of internet development (Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Semantic Internet, Internet of Things) in the aspect of visual culture; social and cultural impact of the media; media culture.

Current research:

International cooperation:



Małgorzata Sławek-Czochra, PhD  – assistant professor

Fields of interests: visual culture and images (especially art: art reception, street art, graffiti) social communication, public sphere.

Current research: Portrait in audiovisuals, emotions in new media photography (press)

International cooperation:



Joanna Sosnowska, PhD, assistant professor

mentor of the television specialization, television journalist, author of scientific, social and cultural educational programmes in TVP Polonia, TVP Historia, TVP 2, TVP1, TVP3 Lublin

Fields of interests: journalism genres, documentary, series, television, popularization of science.

Current research: television as place of the development of film documentary forms; personalized viewer and series; film and art;

International cooperation: “Increasing the Competence of Youht in the Field of Journalism as a Platform for the Development of Cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland”

E-mail: joannus@kul.pl


Aneta Wójciszyn-Wasil, PhD, assistant professor

former radio journalist; author of educational, scientific and cultural radio broadcasts

Fields of interests: radio, radio journalism, radio genres, audio media, sound and literature

Current research: media experiment in journalism education; silence and sound in media; audio representation of emotion in media

International cooperation: Interdisciplinary research project: Media Representations of Emotions and their Implications
