Rev. Prof. Javier Sánchez-Cañizares


Rev. Prof. Javier Sánchez-Cañizares is Associate Professor of University of Navarra (Pamplona) Spain. He obtained a PhD in Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid with a thesis entitled “Self-consistent description of transport in quasi-one-dimensional superconducting wires” (1999). In 2001, he moved to Rome for a Bachelor’s and PhD in Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. This second thesis tackled  the revelation of God in creation within the patristic quotations of the Areopagus sermon (Acts 17:16-34). It was supervised the physicist and theologian prof. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti.


After being ordained a priest in 2005, he settled in Pamplona (Spain), where he has being teaching at the University of Navarra until the present date. Since 2016 he is Associate Professor of "Science, Reason and Faith" and head of the CRYF group. He is also a researcher of the Mind-brain group of the Institute for Culture and Society and, as of 2020, accredited tenured professor by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).


Currently, he is the leader of the project “Science and Religion in Spanish Schools,” funded during the period 2018-2021 by the John Templeton Foundation, and member of the scientific council of the international interdisciplinary journal “Scientia et Fides.”


In the fields of Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Mind, his research focuses on the Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and their application to the development of a renewed philosophy of nature. More specifically, he studies the emergence of complex adaptive systems and optimization procedures that ask for a deeper philosophical understanding of natural processes, particularly the emergence of higher human faculties.





Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures - A Singular Universe. Reflections from Physics for Philosophers of Nature


Autor: Andrzej Zykubek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 22.02.2021, godz. 17:52 - Andrzej Zykubek