The Department of Dutch Language was established in October 2019 as a separate unit from the current Department of Dutch Literature and Language. The staff of the Department continues its research, which focuses on the following issues:


Prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht

- reception of classical Latin literature in medieval education;

- reception of Dutch literature in Central Europe;

- comparative linguistics in the field of Dutch and Slavic languages, in particular Czech.


dr hab. Muriel Waterlot

- linguistics of Dutch;

- comparative linguistics;

- glottodidactics and translation studies.


dr Agnieszka Flor-Górecka

- language comparative Dutch-Polish studies;

- verbs, aspects, aspartality, passive language and additions;

- specialized Dutch-Polish and Polish-Dutch translations;

- Dutch English studies;

- phraseology.


dr Kamil Tomak

- particleology and particleography (including in particular: problems of classification and functional description of Dutch particles;

- functional interpretation of Dutch particles in the translation of source texts from Dutch into Polish;

- comparative corpus analysis of discursive particles in ancient Greek and in Polish and Dutch; translation problems of description Greek particle in translation of ancient texts into Dutch and Polish);

- classical tradition in the Netherlands/reception of ancient culture in the Netherlands.


mgr Beata Popławska

- Dutch linguistics;

- contrastive linguistics;

- phraseology.


mgr Bas Hamers

- teaching Dutch as a foreign language in the countries of Central Europe;

- cultural transposition in the Netherlands and Belgium.


mgr Frane Burazer






Prof. dr hab. Wilken Engelbrecht

Profezor zwyczajny

  • head of the Department of Dutch Language;
  • member of the Program Council of Dutch Philology;
  • taking care of the collection of the Department of Dutch Language (in 2020/2021 in remote mode);
  • main responsible on behalf of the Dutch Language Union for the Dutch Philology faculty at KUL
personal site





dr hab. Muriel Waterlot


  • co-editor of post-conference publications of the Department of Dutch Literature and the Department of Dutch Language
  • contacts with Vlaamse Vertegenwoordiging





dr Agnieszka Flor-Górecka



  • Dutch College Coordinator
  • field coordinator: Dutch philology (full-time 1st cycle), Dutch philology (full-time 2nd cycle)
  • member of the Program Council of Dutch Philology
  • jointly responsible for the use of the Dutch Language Union grant
  • 3BA tutor




dr Kamila Tomaka


  • Erasmus coordinator
  • 2MA tutor

mgr Beata Popławska


  • member of the Council of Dutch Philology
  • tutor of student internships
  • responsible for the promotion of WNH (in the field of Dutch philology)
  • 1BA tutor

mgr Bas Hamers


  • CNaVT coordinator
  • Ceepus coordinator for Dutch and Slavic studies, network CIII-AT-0012-16
  • Comenius coordinator
  • co-editor of post-conference publications of the Department of Dutch Literature and the Department of Dutch Language



mgr Frane Burazer





Author: Damian Olszewski
Last update: 21.09.2021, hr. 11:25 - Damian Olszewski