polski - English - français - Esperanto - Nederlands - Deutsch - русский - norsk - español - tlhIngan Hol - 中文 - संस्कृता भाषा


My University account has been closed. If you want to contact me, please use the e-mail address - or the mobile phone number - from the picture above. For those who do not speak Polish (or have some problems with deciphering the picture): the second word is 'poczta', the first one is 'mszieba', the last one, after a dot, is 'pl'. The '@' sign goes between the first and the second word.

My mobile phone: (0048) 730 286 636.



Autor: Maciej Zięba
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 22.12.2014, godz. 08:34 - Maciej Zięba