Scholarly Books

  1. The Metaphysics of Beauty (Lublin 1986, in Polish)
  2. The Controversy Over Beauty (Poznan 1992, Krakow 2002, in Polish)
  3. The Basic Classical Rhetoric (in Polish, Warsaw 1998, 2002)
  4. Metaphysics and Art (Peter Lang, 2002, in English)
  5. Ethics: The Drama of the Moral Life (New York Alba House 2003 in English; 6th ed., 2002 in Polish.) I received personal thanks of Pope John Paul II for writing this work
  6. Science in Culture (Value Inquiry Book Series, Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam New York 2007, in English)
  7. Beauty and Being. Thomistic Perspective, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto 2011, pp. 269
  8. Ética: el drama de la vida moral, (in Spanish), co-author  Mathew Anderson, Astrolabio Antropología y Ética, Pamplona 2012, pp. 177.
  9. Metaphysics or Ontology? Lublin 2011 (in Polish)
  10. Europe: Clash of Civilizations, Lublin 2015 (in Polish)

Articles Published in English or Spanish

  1. "New Methodological Foundations of the Metaphysical Theory of Being," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association," 60 (1986), pp. 77-87.
  2. "On the Nature of Beauty," Angelicum, 65 (1988) pp. 77-98.
  3. "Bonum aut valor?", Atti del III Congresso Internazionale Etica e Societa contemporanea, Citta del Vaticano 1992.
  4. "Pulchrum ut primum amatum et cognitum" ["The Beautiful as First Loved and First Known"], Atti del IX Congresso Tomistico Internazionale II, Noetica, critica e metafisica in chiave tomistica, Citta del Vaticano 1991, pp. 75-80.
  5. "Kalokagathia," Dialogue and Humanism, 5 (1994), pp. 79-87.
  6. "SOFIA, Science and the Freedom of Man," Freedom in Contemporary Culture, Lublin 1998, pp. 539-545.
  7. "Is There a Place for Responsibility in the Liberal Conception of Freedom?", Freedom and Responsibility, ed. Roman Kozlowski i Piotr W. Juchacz, Wyd. Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2003.
  8. "The Relevance of the Classical Greek Conception of Slavery For Our Times," Contemporary Philosophy, 24 (5 & 6, Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec 2002), pp. 24-27.
  9. "Christian Humanism and the Challenges of Contemporary Culture in the Post-communist Lands", Proceedings of the International Congress on Christian Humanism in the Third Millenium: The Perspective of Thomas Aquinas, 21-25 Rome, Vatican City 2004, pp. 153-160.
  10. "Dialogue and The Pursuit of Truth In Science and      Revelation", Realia, Vol. XXV, No. 5 & 6, Sep/Oct & Nov/Dec 2003
  11. "De Sofía a Filosofía", w: Pensamiento y Cultura, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogota 2005, vol. 8, No 1, ss. 49-56.
  12. "Maintaining the Earth's Human Face: Christian Culture's Personalistic Dimension", Star. Saint Austin Review, September/October, vol. 6, No. 5, 2006, pp. 27-30.
  13. "Art and Science: the Clash of Civilizations", Actas del V congreso de la sociedad de lógica, metodología y filosofía de la ciencia en España, Granada, 29 Noviembre - 1 Diciembre de 2006, ss. 703-706
  14. "De la filosofía a la meta-física", w: Pensamiento y cultura, Universidad de la Sabana, Bogota, vol 9, Noviembre 2006, ss. 25-35.
  15. Culture of Social Responsibility. Philosophical Reflections, w: Responsibilità sociale d' impresa e nuovo umanesimo, ed. E. Bettini, F. Moscarini, San Giorgio Editrice, Genova 2008, s. 114-119.
  16. Freedom and Tolerance, w: The Human Person and a Culture of Freedom, American Maritain Association, Washington 2009, s. 255-264.
  17. Sign: Between Metaphysics and Ontology, w: Semiotics 2008. Selected Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, Houston, TX, October 16-19, 2008, ed. J. Deely and L. Sbrocchi, Ottawa: Legas, October 2009, ss. 627-639.
  18. „Aquinas’ Metaphysics versus Mythology, Ontology and Ideology”, ACTA. Proceedings of the Quadricentennial International Philosophy Congress „Thomism and Asian Cultures”. Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations. May 2011, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, ed. A. P. Co, P. A. Bolaños, Manila 2012, ss. 69-83.
  19. „Las distintas caras de Europa”, Europa a examen. Nuevos diálogos sobre el Viejo Mundo, Madrid 2013, 91-108.
  20. „From Ta Metá Ta Physiká to Metaphysics”, Espíritu, Barcelona, LXII, 2013, No 145, 9-33.
  21. Ontology in the Middle Ages? w: Sztuka I realism. Księga pamiątkowa z okazji jubileuszu urodzin I pracy naukowej na KUL Profesora Henryka Kieresia, Lublin 2014, ss. 453-465.
  22. Los comentarios sobre Aristoteles, w: Universitati serviens. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Księdza Profesora Stanisława Wilka, Wyd. KUL, Lublin 2014, ss. 429-436.
  23. Ontology: Unreal Reality, in: Studia Gilsoniana. A Journal in Classical Philosophy, The International Étienne Gilson Society, 3 (2014), 321-334
  24. What is Europe? The Greek Beginnings, in: Studia Gilsoniana. A Journal in Classical Philosophy, 5:1 (2016), 205-215
Autor: Piotr Jaroszyński
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 05.06.2016, godz. 07:59 - Piotr Jaroszyński