
Education it is creativity about the most personal subject. Everything that is naturally embedded into a man to be educated represents material for teachers, material to be used by their love.

Karol Wojtyła




Department of Christian Pedagogy (KPCH) was created in the academic year 2005/2006. An initiator and chairperson of it has been prof. KUL dr hab Alina Rynio.


Staff of the Department of Christian Pedagogy consists of:


Basic fields of academic research of our department are:


  • Theological and anthropological basics of Christian education and pedagogy of religion and media

  • Connections of Christian pedagogy with pedagogy of religion, theology, philosophy, history of education, theory of education, teacher pedagogy, pedagogy of the adults, media education and multiculturalism

  • Contexts of education in Church tradition and teaching, especially issues as: the value of a person, child, religion; pedagogical thought of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Father Jacek Woroniecki, Romano Guardini, Wolfgang Brzezinka, Rev. Primate Stefan Wyszyński, Rev. Luigi Giussani, Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki, Rev. Józef Wilk; Christian systems of education, pedagogical mastery, role models, experience, freedom, hope, work, participation,  membership and culture

  • Processes of Christian education in communities of family, school (catholic school and catholic university among others), Church (Church religious movements, organisations, associations) and mass-media

  • Issues concerning teacher pedagogy, especially connected with a contemporary  teacher's ethos

  • Conditions of religious education and formation in catholic organisations and religious movements, especially with the use of the scouting method

  • Multi-sided formulation of the process of education and formation, with the use of all the available forms, methods and means

  • Contemporary challenges of integral person's education and formation


Department of Christian Pedagogy organises symposiums and scientific conferences. The most important of them are:

  • International Conference „Wychowanie chrześcijańskie wobec wyzwań współczesności" (Christian education in the face of contemporary challenges), 16.XI.2006.

  • International Symposium „Wychowanie chrześcijańskie metodą harcerską" (Christian education by scouting method), 4.XII.2007.

  • International Conference „Media w wychowaniu chrześcijańskim" (Media in Christian education), 19.XI.2008.


Our main publications are:

  • Pedagogika katolicka. Zagadnienia wybrane, (Christian pedagogy. Selected issues) red. A. Rynio, Stalowa Wola 1999.

  • Wychowanie człowieka otwartego. Rola „Zmysłu religijnego" Luigi Giussaniego w kształtowaniu osoby, (Education and formation of an open man. The role of Luigi Giussani's "religious sense" in formation of a person) red. A. Rynio, „Jedność", Kielce 2001.

  • Rynio A. Wychowanie młodzieży w nauczaniu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, (Adolescents' education and formation in Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski' teaching) Red. Wyd. KUL, Lublin 2001 wyd. II.

  • W trosce o integralne wychowanie, (Caring about integral education and formation) red. M. Nowak, T. Ożóg, A. Rynio, Wyd. KUL, Lublin 2003.

  • Rynio A. Integralne wychowanie w myśli Jana Pawła II, (Integral education and formation in the thought of John Paul II) Wyd. KUL, Lublin 2004.

  • Edukacja w ramach strategii lizbońskiej. Wybór dokumentów, (Education in the framework of Lisbon's strategy. Selected documents) red. D. Bis, I. Szewczak, Wydawnictwo KUL , Lublin 2007.

  • Wychowanie chrześcijańskie. Między tradycją a współczesnością, (Christian education and formation. Between tradition and the present day) red. A. Rynio, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2007.

  • Bogu i Ojczyźnie: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski w wypowiedziach Prymasów Polski, (For God and Homeland. Catholic University of Lublin in the Polish Primates' statements) ed. A. Rynio, J. Gawrysiak, M. Butkiewicz, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2008.


The staff caring about integral development of pedagogy students offers the following:

  • Introductory seminar, MA seminar and PhD seminar on Christian Pedagogy;

  • Seminar on Theory of Education for MA extramural studies

  • Co-operation with Committee of Christian Pedagogy, of Pedagogical Science Commission of Polish Academy of Science;

  • International and inter-universities co-operation enabling the students to get to know multiple conditions of "God's absence" in the life and education of a contemporary man, together with ways and methods of overcoming these challenges


During the classes, lectures and seminars led by Department of Christian Pedagogy staff, students should get and develop competencies in the following spheres: 

  • Acquire the theoretical basis of Christian education and formation and Christian pedagogy;

  • Understand crucial problems of Christian religion education;

  • Provide critical analysis of pseudo-religious propositions of education and formation;

  • Understand the necessity to base practical pedagogical activities on objective demands of truth, good and beauty;

  • Understand the meaning of religion, art., ethical  and esthetical culture in integral development of a person;

  • Have the ability to discover educational and  therapeutic values in meeting, dialogue, plays and games, movement, dance and music;

  • Form the attitude of openness and readiness to undertake activities of the animation of educational environment;

  • Understand the necessity of education towards valuable using of free time;

  • Diagnose the conditions of the process of religion education in family, school (in catholic school among others), Church religious movements and associations, media and multi-media;

  • Have the ability to evaluate and make value judgements about the necessity of using media and multi-media in the process of education and formation;

  • Diagnose and assess the possibility to offer help in situations of danger of social pathology;

  • Develop the attitude of sensitivity and engagement in the face of suffering, poverty and basic needs of a person in different developmental stages;

  • Initiate and design different preventive activities in the framework of "education through art.", work, experience and membership;

  • Present creative and critical attitude in the face of different contemporary challenges


Contact with the staff members of Christian Pedagogy Department:


Institute of Pedagogy of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Droga Męczenników Majdanka 70/III/117









                                                                                             (Translated by Ewa Domagała - Zyśk)


Autor: Tomasz Petkowicz
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15.02.2017, godz. 11:07 - Iwona Szewczak