Antoni Dębiński, The Aplication of Roman Law According to the Decretal Intelleximus of Pope Lucius III

Maciej Jońca, The Criminal Liability of the Honestiores in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries AD, According to Selected Legal Acts

Marzena Lipska, The Priciples of Consigliores’ Responsibility on a Ground of Rada Nieustająca Statutes of 1775 and 1776

Grzegorz Górski, The Council of Nationalities in the Polish Underground State 1943-1944

Agnieszka M. Cenzartowicz, The Process of Competition Law Making – a Case of Poland (1933-1999)


Marta Greszata, The Litispendence Principle in Canonical Process for Marriage Invalidation

Mirosław Wróbel, Matrimonium sub conditione in Canon Law – Conditions and Effects


Margaret G. Stewart, The Death of Romance

M. A. Hussain, Secularism, Minorities and Human Rights

Mariano Municoy, International Harmonization of Patent Rights: A Look of What May Be Next for Latinamerican Countries?

Michalina Duda, The Concept of Tax Sanction in Polish Tax Laws

Delaine R. Swenson, Understanding the United State’s Perspectives on the International Criminal Court

Lyudmyla A. Lutz, Inregration problems of Ukraine’s and European Union’s legal systems

Monika Ilenda, Witold Sławiński, European Union Enlargment – New Challenges, Old Threats


Autor: Marta Ordon
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 05.01.2012, godz. 14:00 - Kinga Stasiak