Krzysztof Flis

General Information
Mgr Krzysztof Flis specializes in American History and Culture. He is currently working on a Ph.D. dissertation on Eisenhower Administration's involvement in Vietnam.

Major Research Project:
2003-2005 Civic Education Project (Continual Professional Development)

Minor Publications:
2003 ‘Bui Tin, From Enemy to Friend' review, Dzieje Najnowsze 35:2, p. 234-238
2005 "The Image of the USA and American diplomacy in the light of articles in the Polish daily "Trybuna Ludu"" Anglosasi, Francuzi i Polacy - Wzajemny Wizerunek Dawniej i Dziś, ed. Piotr Guzowski and Małgorzata Kamecka, Białystok: Wydawnictwo Universytetu w Białymstoku, p. 267-284.

Courses taught:
Practical English (PNJA) (Year III)
This is a proficiency-level course in English that allows students to expand their vocabulary and usage.

American Culture (Year IV)
The course examines the current problems in America in all walks of life: politics, culture, education, ecology, etc. It is based on discussions of points of view presented in documentaries about the U.S.

Autor: Andrzej Antoszek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 30.09.2007, godz. 01:37 - Andrzej Antoszek