Employees at Department of Emotion and Motivation Psychology


Head of the Department

Agata Błachnio, prof.

Fields of interest:

Current research:

International cooperation:

e-mail: gatta@kul.lublin.pl


Julia Gorbaniuk, prof.

Fields of interest:

Current research:

International cooperation:

e-mail: julia.gorbaniuk@kul.pl


Aneta Przepiórka,prof.

Fields of interest: Time perspective; Internet addiction; Social media use; Emotions

Current research: Genetic and environmental conditions of time perspectives; Time attitude and new media addiction

International cooperation: USA, China, Italy, Cyprus, Israel, Hong Kong, Germany, Belgium

e-mail: aneta.przepiorka@kul.pl 



Małgorzata Torój, PhD

Fields of interest:

Current research:

International cooperation:

e-mail: mtoroj@kul.pl


Paweł Kot, PhD

Fields of interest: Life roles; Self-efficacy; School-to-work transition; Addiction to new media; Emotional work; Counterproductive work behavior

Current research: Technostress; School-to-work transition;

Academic dishonesty, 

International cooperation: "European Career Counselor" project

e-mail: kotpawel@o2.pl


Piotr Mamcarz, PhD

Fields of interest:

Current research:

International cooperation:

e-mail: pmamcarz@kul.pl


Mariusz Wołońciej, PhD

Fields of interest: Career counselling psychology; intercultural psychology, narrative psychology, paremiology, organisational culture psychology

Current research: Vocational interests congruence of youth; Cultural learning of missionaries; Cultural aspects of depression in collective memory study

International cooperation: KAAD Scholarship (01.04.2003-30.09.2004), Freie Univerität (FU), Berlin, Germany; Scholarship from the Government of Ecuador:  Prometeo (30.11.2013-5.03.2015): Secretaría de Educación Superior,Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) and (30.08.2015-30.12.2016): Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE), Quito, Ecuador, Interdisciplinary Research Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (1.06.2019-1.02.2021): Cultural conditions of social cognition in missionaries in Latin American countries. Project team: Zbigniew Wróblewski, Arkadiusz Gut, Mariusz Wołońciej, Michał Wilczewski.

e-mail: mariusz.wolonciej@gmail.com

Autor: Paweł Kot
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 05.11.2023, godz. 13:37 - Paweł Kot