W dniach od 19-25 kwietnia 2015 r. Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji KUL oraz Katedra Negocjacji i Mediacji będą gościć Panią Prof. Jennifer Bird-Pollan  (James and Mary Lassiter Associate Professor of Law University of Kentucky).

Professor Bird-Pollan joined the faculty in 2010. She teaches Federal Income Tax, Estate & Gift Tax, International Tax, Partnership Tax, Corporate Tax, and a Seminar in Tax Policy. She received her JD from Harvard Law School and her BA in Philosophy and French from Penn State University. Professor Bird-Pollan also earned an MA in Philosophy from Vanderbilt University, where she is completing her PhD. Before law school she taught undergraduate philosophy courses at Vanderbilt and at Harvard College.


Wykłady dla studentów z Panią prof. Jennifer Bird-Pollan odbędą się w dniach 21-23 kwietnia 2015 r.

Program wykładów:


21.04.2015 (wtorek), sala C-737, godz. 13.20-16.30

1. General Introduction to U.S. legal system (constitutional system, separation of powers, sources of law, professional life of a lawyer in the U.S.) - as part of this, discussion of U.S. legal education system: general structure, current issues in legal education, the future of legal education in the U.S.
2. Introduction to basics of U.S. business and tax law, including basics of formation of business entity and basic principles of taxation


22.04.2015 (środa), sala CI-204, godz. 15.30-19.00

Taxation of business entities in the U.S.- taxation of corporations and partnerships.  Looking at U.S. tax statutory system, practicing reading statutes in the U.S.


23.04.2015 (czwartek), sala CI-204, godz. 15.00-19.00

International Taxation in the U.S. - focusing primarily on "inbound taxation" - taxation of non-U.S. individuals and entities earning income in the United States.  Very brief coverage of tax treaties, thorough coverage of statutory rules


Zajęcia odbywać się będą w języku angielskim.

Zgłoszenia do udziału w zajęciach prosimy przesyłać na adres e-mail: mediacja@kul.pl do dnia 18 kwietnia 2015 r. włącznie.


Autor: Marta Ordon
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 24.04.2015, godz. 22:31 - Marta Ordon