LUBLIN THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (LTS) contains the finest studies and edited collections written both by members of the Faculty of Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) and by other collaborating theologians. The title of the series by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage indicates that all the books published are theological in their content but, beyond that, might be related to any of the disciplines of theology, broadly speaking: biblical, systematic and practical theology. The common factor linking all of these studies is their provenance, namely Lublin.


The Faculty of Theology in Lublin, founded in 1918, has managed to evolve its own original "take" on theological discourse. For one thing, it is grounded in personalism. This orientation is especially evident in the field of systematic theology, which even developed its own semiotic-personalistic method of research. Indeed, within academia the Lublin School of Theology is sometimes referred to as the “Lublin Personalistic School”. Historically speaking, theologians in Lublin were rather forced, due to the relative isolation of the “iron curtain” era, to develop their own original approaches. Thus, in different fields of theology they have come to present an innovative relecture and reception of various Western and Eastern theologies and theologians. Moreover, theology in Lublin is cultivated within the context of Eastern and Central Europe, as a dialogue between the Western Churches (including various Protestant denominations) and the Eastern (Orthodox and Catholic) Churches.


Until now, many publications of the Faculty of Theology at KUL have been dispersed among various publishing houses, and have thus far been written predominantly in the Polish language. Now, however, with the advent of the LTS series – publishing exclusively in English – comes what we believe will be a more methodical and focused approach. It is our sincere hope that this new series will, in the years to come, more effectively expose many important theological works to the worldwide readership they deserve.

The Editor-in-Chief: Adam Kubiś

Advisory Board:
Nicholas Adams (University of Birmingham), Klaus Baumann (University of Freiburg), David Fagerberg (University of Notre Dame), Marek Jagodziński (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), Zdzisław Kijas (Seraphicum, Rome), Juan Luis Lorda (University of Navarra), Dalia Marx (Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem), Paweł Mąkosa (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), Łukasz Popko (École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem), Ilaria Ramelli (University of Cambridge; Durham University; Sacred Heart University, Milan), Carl-Maria Sultana (University of Malta).


The following books have been published in the series:

  1. Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, Man in Metanoiacal Dialogue with God. The Biblical and Hesychastic Message of the Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete (2022)

  2. Marcin NABOŻNY, Marcin WYSOCKIThe Church in the Face of Crises and Challenges over the Centuries. Selected Issues from the History of the Church (2023)

  3. Marcin KOWALSKIThe Spirit in Romans 8. Paul, the Stoics, and Jewish Authors in Dialogue (2023)

  4. Marek JAGODZIŃSKIThe Holy Spirit of Communion. A Study in Pneumatology and Ecclesiology (2023)

  5. Stefan SZYMIKAnti-Epicurean Polemics in the New Testament Writings (2023)

  6. Krzysztof MIELCAREKIerousalem or Hierosolyma. Exploring the Semitic and Hellenistic Onomastic Notions in Luke's Work (2023)

  7. Mirosław Stanisław WRÓBELAnti-Judaism and the Gospel of John. A New Look at the Fourth Gospel’s Relationship with Judaism (2023)

  8. Krzysztof KINOWSKIBloodshed by King Manasseh, Assyrians and Priestly Scribes. Theological Meaning and Historical-Cultural Contextualization of 2 Kings 21:16, 24:3-4 in Relation to the Fall of Judah (2024)

  9. Piotr HEROK, Marked Quotations from Psalms in the Gospel of Matthew (2024)

  10. Adam ZADROGACatholic Social Teaching and Social Entrepreneurship (2024)

  11. ks. Krzysztof KAUCHA, Ratzinger: Apologetics for (not only) Our Time (2024)

  12. Piotr KOPIECMarcin SKŁADANOWSKIPrzemysław KANTYKA, Christian Economic Heterodoxy. The Protestant Critique of Capitalism (2024)

  13. ks. Michał Filip POWĘSKAThe Christological Metaphors of Wine, Water, and Bread in the Gospel of John in Relation to Their Sapiential Background. An Intertextual Study (2024)  

  14. ks. Antoni Nadbrzeżny, From Mother of the Redemption to Mother of All Believers. The Mariology of Edward Schillebeeckx (2025)