Wydarzenia planowane w 2010 r.

Wydarzenia planowane

  • 16-17 listopada - Współczesna nauka a nowy ateizm; Instytut Filozofii Przyrody i Nauk Przyrodniczych, s. C-1031,
  • 9 grudnia - XIII Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Metafizyczne, Katedra Metafizyki.

October 1 - the beginning of academic year 2014/2015

1st of October 2014 - the beginning of academic year 2014/2015 will take place.


9.00 a.m., the Holy Mass, Academic Church

11.45 a.m., an Orientation and Welcome Meeting , room GG-208 (the Main Building, Al. Racławickie 14)


Jacek Woroniecki OP Memorial Lectures

Jacek Woroniecki OP Memorial Lectures: Prof. Dr. Stephen Chamberlain (Rockhurst University, Kansas City, USA): "The Search for Truth in Philosophy and Literature", May 12-17, 2014. [Link]

Culture and Patronage

Department of the Theory of Culture and Art at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin kindly invites you to a conference entitled Culture and Patronage. This will take place on November 20-21, 2014.


Click here for more information

Philosophy and Literature


Philosophy Circle of the KUL Students kindly invited to the second discussion meeting “Philosophy and Literature” that will take place on Friday (17.01.2014) at 4 p. m. in room GG-107. Discussion topic: “Do you really think that it is bad to  die?” based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s "Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth". Discussion’s language: English

The Controversy over Human Nature

Department of Metaphysics and the Polish Thomas Aquinas Association (Polish branch of the Società Internationale Tommaso d'Aquino) kindly invite you to the Sixteenth International Metaphysics Symposium of the Cycle “Tasks of Contemporary Metaphysics THE CONTROVERSY OVER HUMAN NATURE. This will take place on December 12, 2013 (Thursday). For more information please read the program.


Between Description and Norm

Department of the Methodology of Philosophy kindly invites you to a conference entitled Between Description and Norm – Contemporary Methodological Trends. This will take place on December 3, 2013 in room GG-208. The conference will be held in Polish. For more information please read the conference program.

New work experience for students

Oferta praktyk zawodowych

Father Dr. Hab. Marcin Tkaczyk, Prof. KUL the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, is pleased to announce a new offer for students to gain work experience at the Centre for Industrial Applications of Mathematics and Systems Engineering (CIAMSE) of Polish Academy of Sciences. Participation in this project will be a great opportunity for interested students to gain scientifical experience in the research institute. It consists of solving problems facilitated by companies and institutions using mathematical cognition. For more details please contact Rev. Dr. Hab. Robert Kulbkowski, the coordinator of student practice, with any questions.


If you're interested in contacting the Centre please read basic information and contact them at contact@maths.com.pl.