The personnel of the Institute of Biblical Studies are mindful of the continuation of the KUL Biblical School as well as of the work of initiating and guiding it done by pre-eminent Polish biblical scholars: Rev. S. Łach, Rev. E. Dąbrowski, Rev. F. Gryglewicz, Rev. K. Romaniuk, Rev. L. Stachowiak, Rev. A. Jankowski, Rev. J. Szlaga, Rev. J. Homerski, Rev. S. Potocki, Rev. J. Kudasiewicz and many others. The professors of the Biblical School took active part in the work of the reception of the teaching of Vatican II in Poland. They were also involved in translating the Biblia Tysiąclecia [the Millennium Bible] (1965) as well as the Biblia poznańska [the Poznań Bible] (1973–1975). During the 1980s they also undertook the initiative of publishing the so-called Lublin Bible. Within the Lublin Biblical School environment a series of critical introductions to academic study of the Bible has arisen and is held in esteem to this day: Wstęp ogólny do Pisma Świętego [General Introduction to the Bible] (J. Homerski, Ed., Poznań –Warsaw: Pallottinum 1973), Wstęp do Starego Testamentu [Introduction to the Old Testament] (S. Łach, Ed., Poznań –Warsaw: Pallottinum 1973), Wstęp do Nowego Testamentu [Introduction to the New Testament] (F. Gryglewicz, Ed., Poznań –Warsaw: Pallottinum 1969). It was here also that the first Polish language Teologia Nowego Testamentu [Theology of the New Testament] (vols. 1–2, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej 1984–1985) was compiled, under the authorship of Rev. H. Langkammer. This was followed by: 


- J. Kudasiewicz, Teologia ewangelii synoptycznych [Theology of the Synoptic Gospels], Teologia Nowego Testamentu, Vol. 1, Lublin: RW KUL 1986;


- H. Langkammer, Teologia Świętego Pawła [Theology of St. Paul], Teologia Nowego Testamentu Vol. 2, Lublin: RW KUL 1992;


- F. Gryglewicz, Teologia Dziejów Apostolskich listów katolickich i pism św. Jana Ewangelisty, [Theology of the Acts of the Apostles, the Catholic Epistles, and the Writings of St. John the Evangelist], Teologia Nowego Testamentu, Vol. 3, Lublin: RW KUL 1986.


In addition to this the Department staff have participated in compiling numerous commentaries, both academic and pastoral, including:


- Komentarz biblijny i homiletyczno-liturgiczny do niedzielnych i świątecznych

czytań mszalnych, [Biblical and Homiletic-Liturgical Commentary for Sunday and Feastday Readings of the Mass], Vols. 1–3, J. Stroba, Ed., Warsaw: ATK 1974;


- S. Grzybek, J. Kudasiewicz, T. Olszanski, Biblia na co dzien. Komentarz do Ewangelii, [The Bible for Every Day: Commentary on the Gospels], Kraków: Polish Theological Society, 1975;


- A. Jankowski, K. Romaniuk, L. Stachowiak, Komentarz praktyczny do Nowego Testamentu [Practical Commentary on the New Testament], Vols. 1–2, Poznań–Warsaw: Pallottinum 1975;

            -Komentarze biblijne do czytań mszalnych, [Biblical Commentary on the Readings of the Mass], J. Homerski, Ed., Vols. 1–4, Lublin: TN KUL 1981;


- the series Nowy Komentarz Biblijny [New Commentary on the Bible];


as well as publications of encyclopaedias (Podreczna encyklopedia biblijna [the Concise Encyclopaedia of the Bible] and biblical entries in the Encyklopedia katolicka [Catholic Encyclopaedia). During the 1970’s two publication series were initiated by the Department: Materiały Pomocnicze do Wykładów z Biblistyki [Aids for Lectures on Biblical Studies] and Jak Rozumieć Pismo Święte [How to Understand Sacred Scripture].


Since 2007 the Institute of Biblical Studies has been publishing the series

Analecta Biblica Lublinensia

To date, the following volumes have appeared:


Vol. 1: Jezus jako Syn Boży w Nowym Testamencie i we wczesnej literaturze

chrzescijanskiej [Jesus as Son of God in the New Testament and in Early Christian Literature], H. Drawnel, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2007;


Vol. 2: Qumran. Pomiędzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem [Qumran: Between the Old and the New Testaments], H. Drawnel, A. Piwowar, Eds., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009;


Vol. 3: Królestwo Boże. Dar i nadzieja [The Kingdom of God: Gift and Hope], K. Mielcarek, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009;


Vol. 4: Słowo Boże w życiu i misji Kościoła [The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church], S. Szymik, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009;


Vol. 5: Od Melchizedeka do Jezusa – Arcykapłana. Biblia o kapłaństwie [From Melchizedek to Jesus—the High Priest: the Bible on Priesthood], D. Dziadosz, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 6: Apokaliptyka wczesnego judaizmu i chrzescijaństwa, [Apocolypics of Early Judaism and Christianity], M. Wróbel, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 7: Moralność objawiona w Biblii [Morality Revealed in the Bible], W. Pikor, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2011;


Vol. 8: Moc Słowa Pańskiego. Adhortacja apostolska “Verbum Domini”w refleksji biblijno-teologicznej, [The Power of the Word of God: the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini in Biblical-Theological Reflection], B. Migut, A. Piwowar, Eds., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2012;


Vol. 9: Biblia kodem kulturowym Europy [The Bible: Code of the Culture of Europe], S. Szymik, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2013;


Vol. 10: Świadkowie wiary. Biblia o wierze [Witnesses of Faith: the Bible on Faith], D. Dziadosz, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2014;


Vol. 11: Od wiary Abrahama do wiary Kościoła [From the Faith of Abraham to the Faith of the Church], M. Kowalski, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2014;


Vol. 12: Głoszenie odpuszczenia grzechów w imię Jezusa (Łk 24,47) [Proclaiming the Forgiveness of Sins in the Name of Jesus (Lk. 24:47)], K. Mielcarek, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2015;


Vol. 13: Radość Ewangelii. Biblijne żródła chrzescijańskiej radości [The Joy of the Gospel: the Biblical Source of Christian Joy], A. Zawadzki, Ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016;


Vol. 14: Niewiastę dzielną kto znajdzie? (Prz 31,10). Rola kobiet w biblijnej

historii zbawienia [“Who Can Find a Woman of Worth?” (Prov. 31:10): The Role of Women in the Biblical History of Salvation], A. Kubiś, K. Napora, Eds., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016;


Vol. 15: Natchnienie Pisma Świętego. W świetle świadectwa tekstów o nich samych [The Inspiration of Sacred Scripture: In the Light of the Witness of the Texts Themselves], M. Wróbel, S. Szymik, K. Napora, Eds., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2017.


Vol. 16: Czym jest człowiek, że o nim pamiętasz? (Ps 8,5). Antropologia w Piśmie Świętym [What is man that you are mindful of him? (Ps 8:5). The Anthropology in the Holy Scripture], T. Bąk, ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2019.


Vol. 17: Signs, Wonders, and Mighty Works. God's Activity in the History of Salvation. K. Mielcarek, ed., Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2021.



In 2007 the Institute also began publication of academic monographs under the series

Studia Biblica Lublinensia 

To date, the following works have appeared:


Vol. 1: E. Zajac, Potop w tradycji biblijnej oraz literaturze judaizmu okresu

Drugiej Świątyni, [The Flood in Biblical Tradition as well as Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Era], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2007;


Vol. 2: K. Mielcarek, ΙΕPΟUΣΑΛΗΜ ΙΕPΟΣΟΛUΜΑ. Starotestamentowe i hellenistyczne korzenie Łukaszowego obrazu świętego miasta w świetle onomastyki greckiej, [ΙΕPΟUΣΑΛΗΜ ΙΕPΟΣΟΛUΜΑ: The Old Testament and Hellenic Roots of the Lucan Image of the Holy City in the Light of Greek Onomastics], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2008;


Vol. 3: B. Kluska, Uczeń ikoną Chrystusa. Studium egzegetyczno-teologiczne

Mowy pożegnalnej J 13,31–16,33 [Disciple as an Icon of Christ: an Exegetical-Theological Study of the Last Supper Discourse, Jn 13:31-16, 33], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009;


Vol. 4: W. Pikor, Soteriologiczna metafora wody w księdze Izajasza [The Soteriological Metaphor of Water in the Book of Isaiah], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2009;


Vol. 5: R. Głuchowski, Nawrócenie dworzanina królowej etiopskiej typem ewangelizacji bez granic. Społeczno-geograficzny wymiar Łukaszowego uniwersalizmu zbawczego w Dz 8,26-40 [The Conversion of the Ethiopian Court Official as a Type of Evangelisation Without Borders: the Socio-Geographic Dimension of Lucan Salvific Universalism in Acts 8:26-40], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 6: R. Rubinkiewicz, Królestwo Boże jest wsród Was. Wybrane zagadnienia

z teologii biblijnej [The Kingdom of God is Among You: Selected Aspects of Biblical Theology],  Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 7: Ł. Laskowski, Motyw potopu jako nowego stworzenia w Biblii [The Flood Motif as New Creation in the Bible], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 8: A. Zawadzki, Il peccato di Gabaa. Os 10,8–10.11–15 e i suoi echi in Geremia, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010;


Vol. 9: P. Waszak, Drzewo kosmiczne Izraela w tekstach Ez 31 i Dn 4,7–14.

Studium literacko-teologiczne [The Cosmic Tree of Israel in the texts of Ez 31 and Dn 4:7-14: a Literary-Theological Study], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2012;


Vol. 10: P. Lasek, Redakcja Drugiego Listu do Koryntian [A Redaction of the Second Letter to the Corinthians], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2012;


Vol. 11: W. Węgrzyniak, Lo stolto ateo. Studio dei Salmi 14 e 53, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2014;


Vol. 12: W. Kardyś, Szatan w Starym Testamencie oraz w judaizmie Drugiej

Swiatyni. Studium z historii tradycji [Satan in the Old Testament and in Judaism of the Second Temple Era: a Study in the History of Tradition], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2015;


Vol. 13: Z. Grochowski, Il discepolo di Gesù nell’ora della prova (Gv 18–19), luogo di rivelazione del Maestro, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2015;


Vol.14: B.M. Sokal, Uczniowie zmartwychwstałego Jezusa. Studium egzegetyczno-

teologiczne J 20,1–29 [Disciples of the Risen Jesus: an Exegetical-Theological Study of Jn 20:1-29], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016;


Vol. 15: P. Jaworski, Tożsamość proroka w świetle Jr 23,9–40. Studium

egzegetyczno-teologiczne [The Identity of Prophet in the Light of Jer 23:9-40: an Exegetical-Theological Study], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016.


Vol. 16: A. Węgrzyn, Postawy wobec Jezusa ofiarującego miłość. Analiza narracyjna (Łk 7,36-50). [Attitudes Toward Jesus Offering Love. A Narrative Analysis (Luke 7:36-50)], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016.


Vol. 17: D. Mielnik, Motyw wskrzeszenia w biblijnych tradycjach o Eliaszu i Elizeuszu. Porównawcze studium historyczno-krytyczne 1Krl 17,8-24 i 2Krl [The Resurrection Motif in the Biblical Traditions about Elijah and Elisha. A Comparative Historical-Critical Study of 1 Kgs 17:8-24 and 2 Kgs.], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2018.


Vol. 18: B. Sobierajski, Antropologiczny wymiar proroctw o pysze Judy i Asyrii (Iz 1-39)[Anthropological Dimension of the Prophecies about the Pride of Judah and Assyria (Is 1-39)], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2018.


Vol. 19: W. Węgrzyniak, Psalm 83. Teksty - egzgeza - konteksty. [Psalm 83. Texts - Exegesis - Contexts.], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2019.


Vol. 20: Ł. Darowski, Modele odkrywania Tożsamości Jezusa w J 1,19-2,21. [Models for Discovering the Identity of Jesus in John 1:19-2:21.], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2019.


Vol. 21: J. Pudełko, Profetyzm w Księdze Syracha. [Prophetism in the Book of Sirach], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2020.


Vol. 22: M. Zieliński, La gioia e la tristezza nel Libro della Sapienza. [Joy and Sadness in the Book of Wisdom], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2020.


Vol. 23: K. Mielcarek, Ojciec na ziemi w dziele Łukasza. [Father on Earth in the Lukan Work], Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2023.



The Institute publishes 2 periodicals of a academic and academic-pastoral character. The periodical “The Biblical Annals” follows the tradition of the biblical issues of “Rocznik Teologiczno-Kanoniczne” [Annals of Theology and Canon Law] and is known as one of the best Polish exegetical periodicals. The semi-annual journal “Verbum Vitae” forms a series of thematic issues posed by the editors with the main objective of widely disseminating the results of academic research. Both periodicals are indexed in the prestigious Scopus, and Web of Science databases (soon also in Emerging Sources Citation Index).


Currently, in collaboration with biblical scholars at other academic centres in Poland and abroad, the IBS employees are carrying out a revised translation for the 6th edition of the Biblia Tysiąclecia. The publication of Rev. M. S. Wróbel’s Targum Neofiti 1:księga Rodzaju [Targum Neofiti1: the Book of Genesis], (Lublin: Gaudium 2014) won the Feniks Award for literature, and Rev. A. Piwowar’s book Składnia języka greckiego Nowego Testamentu [Greek Syntax in the New Testament], (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016) was recognised as the best and most important theological publication for 2016 by the Bible internet portal Orygenes.


They also take on collaborations with the leading biblical research centres of Poland and around the world. Rev. H. Witczyk was a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and also served as head of the Polish Biblical Scholars Association for the past decade. Recently, another researcher at our Institute, Rev. Dr. Marcin Kowalski, was appointed as a member of the PBC. On the basis of an agreement between the Biblicum of Rome, students of the our Institute can take qualification examinations prepared by professors of the Pontifical Biblical Institute. The successful results entitle them to continue their studies in Rome. Under an agreement between the Institute of Biblical Studies and the Pontifical Urban University in Rome, since 2016 an exchange of professors has been taking place, who conduct courses and also share their experience and research work. Employees of the Institute were also engaged in the  La Bible en ses Traditions project conducted by the École Biblique in Jerusalem. In 2017, on the initiative of Rev. M. S. Wróbel at the international conference of the Society of Biblical Literature in Berlin, the academic panel “Biblical Studies in Poland in the Context of Current Tendencies” was organised, in which representatives of the most important biblical centres of Poland were able to present the achievements of Polish biblical scholars. In 2017 staff members of the Institute took part in a translators’ seminar in Rome, organised by the world-renowned NIDA Institute—School of Bible Translation (United States). In turn, the International Autumn Bible Days organised every year provide an occasion for meetings among the foremost representatives of biblical scholars. Among the guests of these symposia have been: Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi, Jean-Louis Ska SJ, Jean-Noël Aletti SJ, Émile Puech, James H. Charlesworth, John J. Collins, Marc Girard, Klemens Stock SJ, Adrian Schenker OP, Emanuel Tov, N.T. Wright, R. Bauckham, S. Hahn, and many others.