
Biblia Benedicti. Hermeneutical and Exegetical Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger/ Benedict XVI"

The annual international conference of the Institute of Biblical Studies, which has been held for several decades, will take place on October 25-26, 2023. This year it has the status of a side event because of the major event of the Faculty of Theology, the Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries.

The theme of the conference is the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI regarding the Bible. Among the speakers will be Gary Anderson (University of Notre Dame) and Scott Hahn (Franciscan University of Steubenville), author of Covenant and Communion. The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI (Krakow: Espirt 2021). The sessions on 10/25/2023 will be in Italian and English, and on 10/16/2023 in Polish.

Conference program with link to the event on TEAMS: