Church and Law 2 (15) 2013, 2: 101-113
The Participation of the Lay Christian Faithful in the Potestas Regiminis of the Catholic Church
Monika Menke
Department of Church Law, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacký University, Olomouc
Křížkovského 8, 771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic
This article analyses the contemporary canonical-legal situation of lays in the relation to the execution of the Church power of governance. It undertakes this question on the field of executive after the position of the laity in some special cases. In the field of legislative is participation of the laity not to be expected. In the largest extent, the lays are involved into the exercise of the judicial power of the Church. Article describes the concrete possibilities of involvement of the lays into the work of Church tribunals as judges, defenders of the bond, promoters of justice, notaries, advocates, procurators and experts. This paper refers to multivalent interpretations of the possibility of participation of lays on the judicial power of the Church that comes out from norms comprised in c. 129 § 2 C.I.C. a c. 1421 § 2 C.I.C., as like as that if the lays can be the bearers of this power and on witch base, or if they only participate on its execution. In this field will be necessary to work out a theological base and to precise the legislation for the better formal precision and clarity of law in this sphere.
Słowa kluczowe: prawo kanoniczne, władza rządzenia, władza ustawodawcza, władza wykonawcza, władza sądownicza, wierni świeccy
Key words: canon law, the power of governance, legislative power, executive power, judicial power, the lay Christian faithful