
Shavuot - the Feast of Weeks

Without exaggeration, Shavuot is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Since Passover we’ve been counting, literally, to this moment. Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 tell us when Shavuot is to take place. From the time of Passover, God says, “you shall count off seven weeks….You shall count until the day after the seventh sabbath, fifty days” (Leviticus 23:15-16). Here is why it is called Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks—it is separated from Passover by a “week” of weeks, i.e., seven weeks). This explains why it is also called Pentecost, from the Greek – because it occurs fifty days after Passover.

2024-06-11 Czytaj dalej...

Jesus’s exorcisms. Commentary on the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The scene narrated in today’s Gospel takes place in Capernaum, where Jesus visits the home of Simon and Andrew. At the sight of crowds gathering, the concerned family tries to stop him, fearing that he has gone out of his mind (Mark 3:21). Perhaps they fear that Jesus is acting under the influence of a demon. Their fears are further reinforced by the judgments of the scribes, who state that the Master casts out demons by the ruler of the demons (Mark 3:22). In their view, Jesus is practicing magic.

2024-06-08 Czytaj dalej...

Feast of Corpus Christi - Jewish commentary by Dr. Faydra Shapiro

For the feast of Corpus Christi or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, the gospel reading of course is the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

I guess my question is a really basic one: why specifically bread and wine? There’s a lot of significance to bread. And there’s also a lot of significance to wine. But what about bread and wine together? Why not just bread. Or, I why not bread, wine and olive oil? Why this specific pairing?

2024-06-01 Czytaj dalej...

What does the Old Testament say about the Trinity?

"The expression Trinity does not appear literally in the Old Testament, but that does not mean there is no mention of God in the Trinity?," writes Fr. Pawel Rytel-Andrianik, biblical scholar and publicist, head of the Polish section of Vatican Radio and the Vatican News, in a commentary for the Heschel Center of the Catholic University of Lublin, on Trinity Sunday of May 26.

2024-05-27 Czytaj dalej...

Pentecost Sunday

The reading for Pentecost Sunday from Acts of the Apostles (2,2) In the Hebrew version reads: "On the day the seven weeks were completed, they were all together".

Pentecost in Hebrew is Shavuot which literally means – "the Weeks" - the name of the holiday in which according to the Jewish tradition, the Israelites received the Torah, the five books of Moses on Mount Sinai.

The Jewish Pentecost, Shavuot, is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Pesach, Passover. Seven weeks after the miraculous redemption out of Egypt - God gave the Torah to his people. However, the Exodus from Egypt was only the physical freedom of the Israelites. it was the beginning of a seven week process that climaxed with the spiritual freedom they gained once the Torah was given to them on Shavuot.

2024-05-18 Czytaj dalej...

The Ascension of Jesus

The beginning of the Book of Acts depicts Jesus ascension to heaven and the promise – by two angelic figures – that he will eventually return. This posits him as a redeemer of the type of the enigmatic son-of-man from Daniel chapter 7, who he is portrayed there as the go-between of God’s future reign on earth. What immediately draws my attention is that Acts also embraces another foundational feature of the tradition in Daniel 7: the God’s kingdom with the son-of-man figure at its helm is also presented there as the kingdom of the saints of God, seemingly pointing to the saints of Israel (Dan 7:18): But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, for ever and ever.” Acts 1 likewise fluctuates between verse 3 which states that Jesus: “presented himself alive after his passion… appearing to them during forty days, and speaking of the kingdom of God” and verse 6: “So when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?’”. That is how the author understands the initial perception of the apostles: restoration of the kingdom of Israel, which includes the liberation from the Roman yoke, is the intrinsic part of the expected rule of God and his Anointed one.

2024-05-10 Czytaj dalej...

Sixth Sunday of Easter - The Commandment of Love

In the pericope Jn 15:9-17, Jesus refers to two patterns of love. The first is the love of the Father for the Son, Jesus. The term for the relationship that occurs between the Father and the Son is most often referred to by the verb agapao or the corresponding noun agape. The Gospel of John uses this term of love exclusively, and uses it most often of all the Gospels, as many as 44 times. The specific meaning of the Greek term agapao or agape is the love inherent in relationships within the family, especially parents to children and vice versa. The author of the Fourth Gospel chose and took a liking to this very term of love and applied it to describe the bond between God as Father and His Son, thus wishing to show the special connection and communion between God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

2024-05-04 Czytaj dalej...

Fifth Sunday of Easter – Jesus, the True Vine

In this reading from the Gospel of John, Jesus presents the last of his seven “I am” statements. In this statement, the gospel writer mobilizes the image of the vine to help readers understand more about who Jesus is.

Now the image of the vineyard doesn’t come out of nowhere. The early Jewish audience of the gospel would have immediately felt at home with the reference, as it is a common one in the Hebrew scripture. We see it used in the books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Isaiah and Psalms as an image for God’s careful planning and loving care for his cherished people, the people of Israel.

2024-04-26 Czytaj dalej...

Passover 2024

I’m confident that everyone here is familiar – even VERY familiar – with the story of the Exodus from Egypt, with God’s deliverance of the Jewish people out of slavery and oppression and into freedom. So we don’t need to go over that.

And I’m also sure you’re familiar with the biblical requirements for celebrating this event, from Deuteronomy 16, which are slightly but significantly different than the instructions that were given for the first Passover in Exodus 12.

2024-04-22 Czytaj dalej...

The Fourth Sunday of Easter ‒ Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Bedouins are nomadic Arab tribes still living in ancient Palestine's desert and mountainous areas. They are mainly engaged in sheep herding. Surprisingly, even a group of dozens of Bedouins can speak only a language they understand and cherish customs peculiar to them. Living far away from cities and larger settlements, they sit around a campfire in front of their tents to talk for a long time, sing, and keep a night watch on their flocks. Sometimes, this proves necessary, as there are cases of sheep being stolen or attacked by wolves. From time to time, the Israeli press reports on mutual theft of flocks among various Bedouin tribes or attacks by wild animals. More than one shepherd lost his life in defense of his flock. 



2024-04-20 Czytaj dalej...