The Chair of Catholic Social Thought and Socio-economic Ethics operates within the Institute of Sociology at the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). Its staff teach classes across all University faculties, and conduct research into Catholic social teaching and socio-economic ethics. Recently, the Chair has carried out research into such areas as

  • Social justice – normative foundations and social perception
  • Public sphere and civic autonomy
  • Social and economic importance of moral capital
  • Sustainable development – ethical and social dimensions
  • Models of social market economy
  • The personalistic/axiological keystones in marketing and social and economic policies
  • Integral ecology

The Chair has established partnerships with the following research institutions: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Sozialethik (Berlin, Germany; Lehrstuhl für Christliche Sozialethik LMU (Munich, Germany); Lehrstuhl für Christliche Gesellschaftslehre, Ruhr-Universität (Bochum, Germany); Association for Catholic Social Ethics in Central Europe (Vienna, Austria); “Ordo socialis”, Academic Association for the Promotion of Christian Social Teaching (Cologne, Germany); Polish Sociological Association (PTS) (Warsaw, Poland); Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Germany/Poland).