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Addiction Psychotherapy - KUL with accreditation

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin - as one of three institutions in Poland and the only university - has received accreditation from the Minister of Health for 30 people to conduct specialization training in addiction psychotherapy.

The main goal of the training is to acquire the latest knowledge in the field of addiction psychotherapy, clinical psychology, medical sciences, social sciences and neurosciences, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge in the treatment of people diagnosed with addiction to psychoactive substances, as well as psychological support for the families of addicts.

According to Dr. Habil. Iwona Niewiadomska, prof. KUL who directs the work of the Department of Social Psychoprevention at the Institute of Psychology at the Catholic University of Lublin and is the coordinator of the project, the specialization in addiction psychotherapy will last four years and include 10 modules (e.g, Therapeutic Programs in the Treatment of Addiction or Children and Adolescents in the Face of Addiction - Diagnosis and Therapy), including 24 specialization courses and eight directed internships, as well as a unified specialization course entitled "Medical Law.


According to the standards of the Minister of Health, the specialized training in the field of addiction psychotherapy is intended for persons with a master's degree or equivalent in nursing, midwifery, social work, psychology, pedagogy, special education, sociology, social rehabilitation, public health, family sciences or a medical degree.

Application deadline: November 15 to December 15, 2023.