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Appeal of the Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin to the Academic Community

Dear all,

Dear employees and students of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin,

The last few days have been a difficult time for each of us individually, for the academic community of our University and for the whole society. We have found ourselves in a situation that may raise concerns or fears. The coronavirus pandemic painfully reminded us of human fragility. While maintaining faith in the Divine providence, I believe that the various actions taken in our country will help us, in the long run, to overcome the threat and bring us all back to normal life.


Guided by the concern for the health and life of each of you, I would like to ask you to adhere strictly to the sanitary and epidemiological recommendations of the relevant authorities, including, if possible, social distancing. I would like to thank all the employees of the University for understanding the situation and for moving into an extraordinary way of working. The suspension of classes at the University requires new tools and solutions that we are successively implementing.


Today no one can predict how the pandemic will develop and, consequently, what further changes will have to be made by the University in its operations. Therefore, please follow our website and e‑kul, which are regularly updated, as well as check your business e-mail.


I also ask that, guided by empathy, solidarity and love for others, we take care of lonely people, especially the elderly and those struggling with health problems. Please do not forget the retired employees of our University. Remember that due to their age, they are particularly vulnerable to the virus. I believe they can count on our help.


I also encourage you to pray. I would like to remind you that you can participate on-line in the services held in the Academic Church. Lenten retreat, which was to take place there these days, is available at the University's Media Centre portal (


I believe that together we will go through this challenging time and meet again at the University as soon as possible.

Your Rector,

Rev. Antoni Dębiński