KUL CAN Centre for Inclusion of Students with Special Needs

With us you don't have to be a student with a disability!


The university Centre for Inclusion of Students with Special Needs was established on November 22nd 2016. The centre continues the work of the office of the Rector's Deputy for Students with Special Needs started in 1992. The acronym KUL CAN comes from the Polish translation of the name of the centre and gave rise to our slogan and motto: KULCAN = You CAN.


KUL CAN: structure, staff and services offered:


Acting Head of Centre for Inclusion of Students with Special Needs

Paweł Robak 

Room C-510

(+48) 81 445 4332 




KUL CAN – Office 

Room CTW 43. Accessible entry next to university chapel.

(+48) 81 445 3203, e-mail: bpsn@kul.pl  

Facebook KUL CAN

Office opening hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 13:00




KUL CAN – Centre for Adaptation of Educational Materials for Students with a Visual Impairment

Room C-506A

(+48) 81 445 4331

Monday - Friday 7:30 - 15:30

Facebook CAMDDN





CENiS – Centrum for Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Collegium Jana Pawła II 

Room: C 312

Tel: 81 445 3312

Facebook Surdus Loquens



 What we can do for you:

  • information about support available for students with various special needs
  • information  about grants and sources of financial support
  • helping you access university social and academic activities

 Visit our recreation room (CTW 44) - a great place to rest between lectures!




Available support:


Students with a visual impairment:

  • computer room with specialist equipment and software (e.g. refreshable Braille displays, electronic magnifiers, Talking Tactile Tablets)
  • adaptation of course books and other educational materials (Braille, large print, digital)
  • tactile graphics produced with most advanced technologies (thermoforming, thermography, 3-D models, tactile audio-graphics)
  • accessible computer language lab with Braille displays for Braille users
  • mobility and orientation training

Information about other forms of available support: rooms CTW 43, C-506A, C-519


Students with a hearing impairment:

  • lecture rooms equipped with specialist loops and FM systems
  • help with access to lectures (sign language, note taking)
  • help with contacting lecturers and administrative staff
  • English language course (individual or in small groups. Also in computer language lab with video system)

Information about other forms of support: room CTW 43 and CENiS – room C312.

Information about activitites organized by students who are deaf or hard of hearing:  ''Surdus Loquens"


Students with other disablilities and special needs:

Free transport to and from university within city limits  for students in wheel chairs and with mobility problems.


Information available in room CTW 43