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Declaration of Cooperation of the Theologians of the Three Seas Countries

The signing of the Declaration of Cooperation of the Theologians of the Three Seas Countries was the culmination of the International Theological Congress, which took place at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin between October 23 and 27 under the motto “Faith and Theology Closer to Us” - The Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries is a manifestation of the community of experience, the search for elements of a common tradition and the reading of the signs of the times - it was emphasized in the agreement signed by theologians from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

- The declaration is a manifesto of our willingness to cooperate, because as Three Seas Countires theologians we want to undertake joint scientific research, develop joint publications, and organize conferences," said the dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of  Lublin, Rev. Prof. Przemysław Kantyka, who read out the declaration in English.

Leading the last of the meetings, which lasted five days, titled "Theology of the Three Seas: ideas, areas and perspectives," Rev. Prof. Kantyka also reminded the audience that theology is a "vast area of exploration." - This is a huge scientific heritage, accumulated over the centuries in theology departments and beyond, which is also the wealth of societies and humanity," he pointed out, also remarking that it is thanks to theology that universities as such were established. - And without theology they will never function properly, he added.

The signatories of the Declaration of Cooperation of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries are the theologians attending the congress, among them the deans of theological faculties from countries located between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea.

The countries of the Three Seas area, subjected to the devastating ideological destruction of totalitarian systems in the 20th century, regained their independence and realized their historic and cultural uniqueness, as well as the need for economic and cultural cooperation, integration of the Central European space based on the development of communication and exchange of ideas and strengthening of human interconnections - the declaration recalled, while stipulating that such integration cannot be reduced to political negotiations and economic arrangements only.

It must become, above all, a community of spirit, sharing common values flowing for us above all from the Evangelion of Christ, and lead to the formation of a common identity. From this comes the task facing churches and theologians to build this integration by discovering common theological sites and seeking ways to live out the Christian faith in this particular place in the world.

The mission of the theologians of the Three Seas countries is twofold: to guide the efforts of Christians in making the Three Seas countries a space of justice, peace and responsibility for creation, and to shape an example of a just, peaceful and responsible society for other regions of the world. As Christians, together with all people of good will, we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters suffering from war in various parts of the world, especially in Ukraine," says the declaration, which also recalls the merits of Saints Cyril and Methodius and their disciples, who spread Christianity and its values in the Three Seas Countries many centuries ago.

Referring to the International Theological Congress, whose roots go back to the 1990s, when the first meetings of scholars were organized after the collapse of communist power in this part of the world, they also stressed that "the Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries is a manifestation of the community of experience, the search for elements of a common tradition, and the reading of the signs of the times."

- It is an initiative to discover the scientific, cultural and social potential that will provide the Churches and political and social leaders with the impetus to carry out their mission," the theologians noted, declaring their desire to sustain, as well as develop, the spiritual and intellectual and Christian heritage in the Three Seas countries. This cooperation, the statement said in a summary, is to be concretized in undertaking joint scientific theological research, joint publications, and organizing conferences.


The theme of the International Theological Congress was "Faith and Theology Closer  to Us". During the Congress, scholars from many countries discussed theology in dialogue with modernity, including the Church in the face of totalitarianism, politics and war. The experience of faith in God, the self-awareness of ecclesial communities and their role in society were among the main topics discussed by the scholars during the five days.

The Congress was largely attended by young people, who had their "Youth Forum" as part of the event, which included the opportunity to meet with Catholic influencers, for example, to talk about the power of faith in God, as well as difficult issues of the Church. The Congress' proposals for young people also included a series of evening pastoral and cultural events with representatives of evangelization and formation communities, combined with listening to their testimonies and prayer together.

The sessions and debates of the International Theological Congress were streamed in real time on the YouTube channel of the Catholic University of Lublin, where they are now available to all those interested in contemporary aspects of theology practiced in many universities.