Church and Law 1 (14) 2012: 47-66
Adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores
Grzegorz Delmanowicz
The article takes the problem up concerning the adoption of norms of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 concerning the competences of the pastors of the Church for instruments of social communication in directory Apostolorum Successores.
In the first part, on the basis of the Code of John Paul II, there were presented following duties and rights of the pastors of the Church: teaching the Christian faithful about the duty to cooperate in using the media, watching over the faith and morals, preparing the norms concerning transfer Christian doctrine by the instruments of social communication and the application of administrative or penal sanctions.
In the second part there was indicated that Congregation for Bishops includes in directory 17 norms on the pastoral office of bishops in the field of the instruments of social communication. In 6 of them i.e. 30, 100a, 139, 140, 141 and 142 the adoption of norms of the Code is visible. The authors of the document were founded on can.: 772 § 2, 747 § 1, 822 § 1, 823, 824-827, 830, 831 § 2.
Słowa kluczowe: Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r., środki społecznego przekazu, mass media, kompetencje pasterzy Kościoła, dyrektorium Apostolorum successores, recepcja
Key words: Code of Canon Law of 1983, instruments of social communication, mass media, competences of the pastors of the Church, directory Apostolorum Successores, adoption