Church and Law 2 (15) 2013: 53-71
Prospects of beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph (1839-1893)
Piotr Grzegorzewicz
The purpose of this article is to show the prospects of initiating the beatification proceedings of Fr Theodor Christoph under the canonization law in force. The work is based on: Apostolic Constitution Divinus perfectionis Magister of John Paul II, Normae servandae in inquisitionibus ab Episcopis faciendis in causis sanctorum of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and Sanctorum Mater. Instruction for conducting diocesan or eparchial inquiries in the causes of saints.
The article includes the opinion of holiness which is one of the most important affairs in the canonization process, the private cult and opinion of special grace as prerequisites enabling to initiate the beatification proceedings. The historical and current status of Fr Christoph’s case is taken into account in prospect of preparation for initiating of the beatification proceedings.
Fr Christoph’s case has not yet been completed. The legal action to initiate beatification proceedings in Diocese of Gliwice has been not taken. This case is still in the phase of preparation. The documents gathered in the case are insufficient.
The decision regarding the initiating of beatification proceedings for Fr Christoph’s belongs to the competent authority in the Church.
Słowa kluczowe: beatyfikacja, prawo kanonizacyjne, kult prywatny, opinia świętości
Key words: beatification, canonization law, private cult, opinion of holiness