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"Hallo Science" program

Three simple reasons we encourage you to follow the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin “Hallo Science” program. Meeting great scholars Learning newsworthy matters Enlarging your horizons Good scholars, You don't "find" them, You choose them. They deserve to be heard of. With the program “Hallo Science” we present our experts and their achievements. We explore, look and select the subject you might be interested in today. With “Hallo Science„ we open the doors of our University to the local and global community. We are proud to present our prominent scholars and experts. We travel with you around over 100 years old JP II Catholic University. Don’t miss this journey.

The Interview with Rev. Prof. Krzysztof Kaucha about his new book regarding Ratzinger’s way of defending the Christian faith. Prof. Kaucha explains the importance of Ratzinger’s teaching and his courage to demonstrate the errors of contemporary thinking.