Educación católica y humanides sociales:  cultura de trabajo y búsqueda de un empleo futuro

Catholic Education and Social Humanities: the Meaning of work in relation with job seeking


Education catholique et sciences humaines et sociales : sens du travail et emploi


Lublin May 24-26, 2018






This short survey aims to be kind of reminder of the different issues raised in our universities by questioning our approach, our understanding of both concepts and ways of proceedings. Moreover, it gives the opportunity to recollect the existing experiences and implementation of your policy relating to these.


For the purpose of the round-table organized by the students of the KUL in Lublin on Friday May 25th am, 10h15-12h15 am, this short survey might be a useful tool as well.


Whether a group of students in your university could be stakeholder and intervene during the round-table to be held at KUL or the outcome of their conversation be transmitted through your delegate at the FUCE AG in Lublin is totally up to you. A tip if you do not mind. The experience in Lisbon shows that the chaplaincy and the International Mobility Service could be the best places to identify students accepting to take part to the round-table.


For this purpose a video-conference connection is going to be created with maximum two universities abroad, due to technical limitations.


Potentially, it will link the AG FUCE conversation in Lublin and your own local group in your country around the following questions:  

  1. To define: how would you define and/or approach the job question or concern for registered students and future outgoing (graduate and undergraduate) students?
  2. To consider: how the job question and employment question are considered in your university?
  3. To implement: how is it implemented? Please, provide concrete illustrations.
  4. To recommend: what would you expect and promote, and what would you recommend.