About studies

The Institute educates students in the field of Slavonic Philology - Russian and Ukrainian. Both studies are being treated as a speciality and candidates for the students chode one of two in the course enrollement.

The study programme includes all intensive language training in East-Slav languages, history of literature and history and culture of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

In addition in the study are offered specialty blocks: pedegogical, translantoligical and language in professional communication (the language of economics and management, law).


We offer:

  • 3 - year  full-time primary degrees (BA),
  • 2 - year full-time master degrees (MA),
  • 4 - year full-time doctoral studies (PhD).


Students of Slavic Studies benefit from opportunities for studying abroad. As part of the ERASMUS and other agreements they may leave one-semester studies to:

  • Tallinn University (Estonia),
  • University of Milan - Universita degli Studi di Milano (Italy),
  • Alexander Pushkin's of Russian Language and Culture in Moscow (Russia),
  • Bryansk State University (Russia),
  • State Pedagogical University in Drohobych (Ukraine).


A graduate of BA degree has fluent Russian or Ukrainian, has extensive knowledge of the history of Russian (Ukrainian) literature and history and also the culture of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. At the same time acquires a basic knowledge of a second East-Slav language (Ukrainian or Russian). After completing BA studies the graduate can continue them obtaining a master's degree in Slavonic Studies (Russian or Ukrainian) depending on the chosen speciality.

Our graduates are employed as interpreters, teachers, lecturers, staff of the institutions of tourism and business cooperating with the Eastern European countries, staff of the facility maintenance border traffic (customs officers, border guards) and in publishing houses and cultural institutions.