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The Pope sent a letter to prisoners - students of the Catholic University of Lublin

"We all make mistakes in life; God does not tire of forgiveness," Pope Francis stressed in a letter to students of the Catholic University of Lublin Center for Studies for Detainees at the detention center in Lublin.

Fr. Prof. Mirosław Kalinowski, Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin, received a letter from the Vatican on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year at the Catholic University of Lublin Study Center for Inmates, located at the Detention Center in Lublin. The letter was sent to acknowledge and celebrate the start of the new academic year. The ceremony also commemorated the tenth anniversary of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin's program to educate prisoners.

"If one feels lonely and abandoned, let us not forget that Our Blessed Mother is close to us, especially when we feel the hardships of life," wrote Pope Francis, known for his interest in people deprived of freedom.

The Holy Father, through the letter, extended a blessing to prisoners while asking them to pray. "Please don't forget to pray for me. Thank you!" Francis wrote. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin has been running full-time first- and second-level studies for inmates in family science for more than ten years. Over 50 students began the new academic year at the Catholic University of Lublin Study Center at the Detention Center in Lublin on October 24.