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Theologians of the Three Seas Countries and Catholic influencers will meet at the Catholic University of Lublin

The International Congress of Theologians will integrate representatives from 12 countries in the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Sea regions as part of the Three Seas Initiative. During the event, we will not overlook the youth. Catholic influencers and experts will discuss evangelization in the media and address the issues of addiction, loneliness, anxiety, and ways to overcome these challenges," announces Fr. Prof. Mirosław Kalinowski, the Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.”



The International Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries under the theme Faith and Theology Closer to Us will be held at the University from October 23 to 27. The event is divided into two parts. The first part is the Congress of Theologians of the Three Seas Countries, which focuses on "Theology in Dialogue with the Present." The second part is the Youth Forum, which consists of thematic meetings such as "See and be convinced," "God at your fingertips," "Faith and courage," "Strength from the community," "Education is a challenge," "I have faith, and I will not hesitate to use it." The five-day event will bring together around 80 scientists, speakers, and media personnel from home and abroad.


Two debates scheduled for the first day of the Congress are "Three Seas Churches - between resistance and conformism," moderated by Grzegorz Misztal, a TV journalist, and "Karol Wojtyla and Stefan Wyszynski - allegations, facts, activities of communist secret services," moderated by Ryszard Montusiewicz from TVP3 Lublin. 

"In a group of international experts, we will discuss current and pressing issues. e.g., the attitude of the Church and theology to totalitarianism and war, to politics, to new anthropological challenges, such as attempts to redefine the traditional notion of family," stresses Fr. Prof. Przemysław Kantyka, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin.

As Fr. Prof. Kalinowski, Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), points out, the university is also a meeting place for young people. In addition to the educational process, academic pastoral care needs to use modern forms of evangelization and media outreach skillfully. "The Theological Congress provides a platform for academic discourse and a forum for students, their friends, and relatives. The Youth Forum is dedicated to them," says the Rector.

The forum will consist of two stages. The first stage, "Faith for Me and You," will feature afternoon panel discussions with a musical performance. Catholic influencers Fr. Sebastian Picur, who is well-known for his TikTok channel, Tomasz Zieliński, and Sr. Dr. Judyta Pudełko, will speak on topics such as "What is the Bible for," "Difficult issues of the Church," "On religious freedom in the world," "Fr. Francis Blachnicki and his vision of human liberation", "To hear in time - about suicidal problems of youth," "Addictions and fear of rejection," "From theologian to influencer," or "How to evangelize on the Internet."

We warmly invite all to participate !!! 


Congress website - click here

Congress program - click here


Project co-funded by the state budget, granted by the Polish Minister of Education and Science under the program "Excellent Science II - Support for scientific conferences"