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Vatican Appointment for Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Father Professor Mirosław Kalinowski, the rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), has been appointed as an interlocutor for the Pontifical Academy of Theology, Vatican News reported. abp-antonio-stagliano_kalinowski 

- This is a recognition of the entire KUL community, especially its theological faculty, but also of the disciplines that collaborate with it - commented Fr. Kalinowski on his appointment.

The Pontifical Academy of Theology, an academic institution of the Roman Curia, focuses on the formation of theologians. The role of an interlocutor involves serving as a designated point of contact for the academy, tasked with fostering dialogue across all areas of human knowledge - whether academic disciplines, methods of action, or service to humanity.

According to Bishop Antonio Staglianò, president of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, who personally presented the nomination to Fr. Kalinowski, this position is pivotal under the academy's new statutes. - Pope Francis is deeply committed to sapiential theology, which encompasses the entire world. Consequently, we need to exchange ideas with individuals capable of creating spaces for dialogue, including interdisciplinary collaboration - Bishop Staglianò explained in remarks reported by Vatican News.

800x673_apapieska Father Kalinowski sees the appointment as a major achievement for KUL. - This Vatican appointment to the Pontifical Academy of Theology is a recognition of the entire John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin community—particularly its theological environment, but also those disciplines that collaborate with it - he stated in an interview with Vatican media. - This includes the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences, and soon it will likely extend to the medical sciences as well - he added.

The Pontifical Academy of Theology was founded in Rome by Pope Clement XI in 1718. Its members currently include Father Wojciech Giertych OP, theologian of the Papal Household, while past honorary members have included figures such as Cardinal Zenon Grocholewsk.

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