Research interests

The Chair offers courses in Social Philosophy, Public Relations, BSc Philosophy and Contemporary Issues in Civil Society. Additionally, the department runs a B.A. thesis seminar (Contemporary Issues in Civil Society), an M.A. seminar, and a Ph. D seminar on Social Philosophy.

Major research areas include social theory, contemporary issues in civil society (post industrialism, globalization, trust, risk, and responsibility), methodology (philosophy) of social sciences, philosophical background of sociological theories, ontology of society, and contemporary political philosophy.

The B.A., M.A. and Ph.D dissertations prepared at the Chair frequently cover a wide range of interdisciplinary topics such as analysis of political and ideological discourses, social capital, gender studies, sociology of literature, media and advertising language analysis, state - church relations, critical analysis of contemporary culture, informational society, nation, civilization and social order.

The Chair of Social Philosophy was the co-organizer of "Wiedza - władza" ("Knwodledge - Power") conference in November, 2008. Currently, it is taking part in "Zarządzanie systemem B+R w instytucjach naukowych" ("B + R system management in research institutions project"), doing research on the competence and educational needs of research and development institutions in Poland.



The Chair of Social Philosophy was established in 1984 by the Academic Senate of the Catholic University of Lublin. In the years 1984 - 2007 the position of chairperson of the Chair was held by Fr. Prof. Stanisław Kowalczyk. Since 2007, the holder of the Chair is Prof. Arkadiusz Jabłoński.

In the first years of the Chair (1984 - 2007) the main associates of Fr. Prof. Stanisław Kowalczyk were Arkadiusz Jabłonski (since 1993) and Fr. Jan Szymczyk (since 1996), currently the Chairperson of the Chair of Social Macrostructures and Movements. During that period social philosophy was practiced as an element of cultural anthropology and developed in the tradition of classical philosophy. The essential feature of the conducted researches involved obeying the norms and social teaching of the Catholic Church.

The main interest areas covered the search for the foundations of society (involving a critique of the Marxist approach), the continuation and development of J. Maritain's intellectual heritage, a critical consideration of ideologies (focusing on liberalism and Marxism), a systematical and historical consideration of freedom, the notions of justice, democracy and nation.

The works which most accurately capture the philosophical thought present in the Chair during that period are those published by Fr. Prof. Stanisław Kowalczyk, such as Podstawy światopoglądu chrześcijańskiego (Warszawa 1979), Człowiek w myśli współczesnej. Filozofia współczesna o człowieku (Warszawa 1990), Człowiek a społeczność. Zarys filozofii społecznej (Lublin 1994), Liberalizm i jego filozofia (Katowice 1994), Filozofia kultury. Próba personalistycznego ujęcia problematyki (Lublin 1996), Filozofia wolności (Lublin 1999), U podstaw demokracji. Zagadnienia aksjologiczne (Lublin 2001), Elementy filozofii i teologii sportu (Lublin 2002) and Idee filozoficzna postmodernizmu (Radom 2004).

Since 2007 the Chair of Social Philosophy continues the philosophical legacy developed during its initial period, at the same time broadening its scope of interest to a critical analysis of the problems faced by contemporary society and placing a special emphasis on the issues of development and the distribution of knowledge. Thus, traditional socio-philosophical topics became combined with a metatheoretical approach towards contemporary social analysis. Members of the Chairs's staff focus on the possibility of shaping social life through criticism, understood as a method of pursuing truth.

The two key publications for the second period of the Chair were written by Prof. Arkadiusz Jabłoński: Status teoretyczny i funkcja techniczna wiedzy o społeczeństwie (Lublin 2002) and Budowanie społeczeństwa wiedzy (Lublin 2006).


Chair of Social Philosophy Professor Arkadiusz Jabłoński

In his research, Prof. Arkadiusz Jabłoński focuses on establishing a specific theoretical approach towards social issues, based on the analysis of the development of knowledge and processes of academic development. The research relates to K. R. Popper's concept of partial problem solutions (guaranteeing freedom and minimizing evil), juxtaposed with comprehensive and global strategies of improving social life.

Prof. Jabłoński specialises in the sociology of knowledge, social philosophy, the history of ideas, methodology of social sciences, and business ethics.

He is also an external expert for Narodowy Program Foresight ("'Foresight' National Program) (for the Minister of Science and Higher Education), a member of Komitet Redakcyjny "Summarium" ("'Summarium' Editorial Committee), a representative of the Social Sciences Department for the Library Board of KUL, MISH KUL tutor, and the coordinator of the KUL's Sociology Student's study circle.

 Prof. Jabłoński is the author of Filozoficzna interpretacja życia społecznego w ujęciu Petera Wincha (Lublin 1998), Status teoretyczny i funkcja techniczna wiedzy o społeczeństwie (Lublin 2002), Budowanie społeczeństwa wiedzy (Lublin 2006) and numerous other publications.





John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Departament of Social Philosophy

Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, PL

Room: C-345

tel.: (0048 81) 445-33-45